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Both Democrats and Republicans support higher taxes it is just a matter of degree. There is perhaps a bit more honesty coming from the Democrats in terms of taxation as the Republicans seem to want to be viewed as some kind of conservative anti-tax movement but this is just delusion on their part. The Republican party may be conservative if the status quo is what they are conserving, but they are certainly not even remotely interested in conserving the Constitution and if it is the status quo they are conserving, then they are conserving a tax and spend government rife with social programs that amount to nothing more than legal plunder. The Democrats are not any more innocent when it comes to legal plunder and it could be argued they are the authors of most legislation that plunders which only makes them more honest about their intents. Democrats play upon our hearts asking us to be more compassionate towards our fellow man and allowing government to be the agent of our compassion. Republicans play upon our reason knowing that most people still cherish freedom and the principles of self governing more than they cherish social well fare. The Republican poses as a protector of cherished principles while it gladly goes along with the unbearable expansion of government. Expansion of government requires taxation, higher taxation and even higher taxation. The more taxes we pay the bigger our government becomes, the bigger our government becomes the more taxes we pay. The more oppression, the more suppression, am I making an Impression?

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Both parties generally do.. the difference is where they want them. Republicans are still pushing the "trickle down" economics angle, and expecting the working classes to pick up the slack. Democrats generally push for higher taxes on the wealthy and corporations.

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Q: Do Democrats support higher taxes
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Democrats This guys is obdviously a democrat if he thinks that. NO. Republicans pay about 70 percent of taxes, and democrats pay 30. (because a lot of democrats feed off of welfare and pay no taxes). my answer: it is impossible to tell without access to I.R.S. tax forms. do NOT forget that Congress is full of millionaires who pay VERY few taxes be they Republican or Democrat. now IF the question were rephrashed,Republicans clamor for less taxes

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