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Yes it is the symbol of enduring life

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Q: Do Egyptians still wear the ankh?
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Why did the Egyptians wear the ankh?

Ancient Egyptians held the Ankh because it symbolized life (immortality) and death, male and female, balance . It can also represent zest, joy of life, and energy.

What does the ankh tell about the Egyptian culture?

It says egyptians are pooiebums!

Did Egyptians make silver ankhs?

No, they made wood ankh's.

What special ornaments do Egyptians use to decorate what they are celebrating?


How did ancient Egyptians make the ankh?

the ankh also know as the key of life is made out of gold and was first made in 1671

Do the Egyptians wear scarfs?

Like any other people, Egyptians wear scarfs when it is cold. Thus, if it is cold.. they wear a scarf. If they are Muslim, it is still acceptable and widely practiced. If you are inquiring about ancient Egyptians, then no. No, they did not wear scarfs.

What symbols does Egypt use?

Ancient Egyptians used hieroglyphics as their alphabet.

Who invented the ankh?

This symbol came from Egypt, so I guess the only answer would be the ancient Egyptians.

What was the Egyptian sign of life?

The ankh is the sign of life of the Egyptians. It is an ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic, which represents of eternal life.

Did ancient Egyptians wear underwear?

No the ancient Egyptians i believe did not wear anything under there clothes. such as under wear or bras. Very good question .

What is the meaning of the wings on an Ankh?

could imply some relationship with aviation, Air Force chaplain, perhaps? has nothing to do with that. an ankh is a symbol for eternal life. The wings, depending on the wings, mean different things. I have the Egyptian wings with my ankh and they are the wings of horus. Ankh with wings in general means "Battered but still standing"

Who was the ankh used by?

The Ancient Egyptians. it has been variously interpreted as a sort of Cross-like symbol, or a fertility motif- or and this seems likely, a stylized Vagina.