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Yes, bulldogs must use artificial insemination to produce puppies. This is because their unique body shapes make it near impossible for the male to properly mount the female. One good thing that comes out of using artificial insemintation, is that most people can get a champion bulldog that lives far away to sire a litter of puppies without the dog having to be there to perform the task.

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Q: Do English bulldogs have to artificially inseminated?
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how to breed old english bulldog?

Most people have their English Bulldogs artificially inseminated.

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Put her with a bull or get her artificially inseminated.

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A lesbian can be artificially inseminated with sperm from a chosen sperm donor.

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You mean ARTIFICIALLY INSEMINATED ? (A correct question is the best way to get a correct answer)

Where are cows bred?

Out in the pasture or corrals if the farmer or producer uses a bull, or in the AI box or a head gate in a barn if they are going to be artificially inseminated.

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Miniature English bulldogs are exactly like regular English bulldogs only a tad bit smaller.

Can we reproduce without having physical sex?

There are at least two ways. A woman can be artificially inseminated, and an egg can be fertilized in vitro (in a laboratory setting) and then implanted.

Do kids have to be with there dads?

Well, it is possible for a woman to get artificially inseminated with sperm from a man that wouldn't meet the definition of "dad," although he is technically the father.

How long is the period from when a female English bulldog gets mated til she gives birth?

Pregnancy in a female dog - properly called a bitch, lasts nine weeks. We determine the birthing date from the date of the first mating. Some bitches will whelp (deliver their puppies) anywhere from day 59 to day 63.

What is the difference between English bulldogs an british bulldogs?

they are the same

Do english bulldogs migrate or hibernate?

English bulldogs neither migrate nor hibernate. They are domesticated animals.

What are natural quintuplets?

* Natural quintuplets are very rare and 'natural' means the mother has not worked with her doctor regarding fertility. When artificially inseminated the mother is more prone to multiple births.