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Yes, they do shed dander almost constantly, even with daily brushing and frequent washing. Golden Retrievers and Asthma do not mix. Not at all.

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Q: Do Goldern Retrievers give off a lot of Dander?
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What kind of lotion for horse dander?

All horses have a certain amount of dander, but if you are finding a lot in the mane and tail, a good scrubbing with Listerine or Absorbine liniment usually takes care of the problem. The best fix for a horse with a lot of dander is a regular and thorough grooming program.

Do teenage girls love golden retrievers?

Yes, a lot of teenage girls do love such gentle dogs like golden retrievers, but some do like other dogs.

Do golden retrievers bite often?

They can tolerate but can rarely snap or bite, if teased a lot.

Do Labrador Retievers bark a lot?

Usually no. Most Labrador Retrievers do not bark excessively.

What kind of dogs like living outdoors?

Labrador Retrievers and Golden Retrievers don't mind getting wet and love to be outside. They are playful and sweet, but need a lot of love.

Which vacuum has the most sheer sucking power?

The Bissel pet vac has a lot of suction power to get dander and fur out

Are Golden Retrievers happy Sad or Angry?

That is a lot like asking if a person is happy, sad, or angry. It depends on the life that you give them, and what is happening to them at that moment. Overall though, a well balanced golden is a cheerful pet.

Is a lab a good dog to have if you have allergies?

Not at all! Try a poodle If you are allergic to dog hair and pet dander you should not a lab. they shed A LOT!!!

Where can one find information about Labrador Retrievers?

Labrador Retrievers have been a popular pet choice for familes for a long time. They are well known for being great with kids. The Dog Breed Info website has a lot of information about this breed.

What dogs shed a lot?

Golden retrievers do for sure and i am pretty sure st Bernard's, beagles, dashounds, American mastiff

Do golden retrievers play outside a lot?

Golden retrievers are very active and energetic dogs. They can be indoors with their families, but they need a lot of outdoor play time as well. If they are not able to burn off all the energy that they need to, behavioral problems will start to pop up. Like kids, they have to shed that energy somewhere.

Are golden retrievers or dachshunds better?

they are both better but dachshunds bark a lot but Golden's don't bark that much if u tame them