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Guys make fun of other guys' legs for many reasons. They may find the legs ugly, too small, too large or are feeling insecure about themselves.

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Q: Do Guys make fun of other guys legs because his legs because he has ugly legs?
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Why Guys make Fun of other Guys legs?

Guys may make fun of another guys legs because they are jealous.

Do guys make fun of another guys legs because they are jealous?

Guys may make fun of other guy's legs because they are jealous.

Why do guys make fun of my legs-?

A guy may make fun of another persons legs because they like them.

Why do guys make fun of other guys legs but not his arms?

Maybe guys don't make fun of a guy's arms because there is nothing to make fun of.

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Because guys have things between their legs that they have to give room to!

Why do guys make fun of other guys legs?

Because they're guys. Making fun of each other is part of what guys do. It's probably got something to do with social dominance instincts: "If I can make my competitors for mates seem less attractive, it will make me seem more attractive by comparison, allowing me to get a more desirable mate." Why legs specifically ... probably because the guy being made fun of has "funny-looking" legs and the guys who are doing the making fun feel particularly confident of their own legs. It could be ears, or hair, or teeth, or really anything; guys tend to go for the low-hanging fruit in these matters.

Why do guys make fun of my legs but not my arms And im a guy?

Guys may make fun of your legs, but not your arms because they are jealous of your legs.

Why do guys make fun of my chicken legs but girls tell me i have cute legs to be a guy?

If girls tell you that your legs are cute and guys make fun of them, the guys may be jealous of your cute legs.

Why do Guys make fun of other guys legs And girls tell me i have cute legs?

Guys make fun of each other in a playful way. They just may be joking around with you, try asking them.

Why do guys legs shake when they look at girls they like?

because they get nevous

Why don't guys shave their legs?

Because it looks ridiculous on a guy.

Do guys like girls that don't shave?

Depends on the guy because some of them will play with your legs and don't want to feel any hair and other guys want you to have hair to make them feel better about themselves. But all guys are different.