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It slows it down. It's a depressant. It slows your breathing, heart rate, brain, etc.

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Q: Do Hallucinogens Slow What if your Reaction Time?
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Does anxiety slow your reaction time?

Yes, anxiety can slow your reaction time. When you're anxious, your body is in a heightened state of arousal, causing increased muscle tension and contributing to delays in processing information and responding to stimuli. This can lead to a slower reaction time in situations where quick decision-making is needed.

Does marijuana slow your reaction time down?

Marijuana may slow down your reaction time, depending on how long after consumption you are referring to.

What effects will hallucinogens have on drivers?

Nothing good will come from this. sight, reaction time, and the ability to process information are all vital to safe driving. hallucinogens produce side-effects that directly change those three things.

Why does drinking slow down your reaction time?

Alcohol is a depressant, and affects your brain by depressing its reaction time.

What is the reaction time for a driver to slow down?

3 seconds

Why does a reaction slow down with time?

The reactant concentrations decrease

What is a reaction timer?

A reaction time is the a measure of how quickly an organism can respond to a stimulus. For example if someone hits you out of the blue you may have a slow reaction time because you have to take in what happen.

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Drugs like alcohol which can slow down your reaction time are called?


What is reaction time in sport?

If you are in a race and your reaction time is slow, when you hear the starting gun-shot, you won't start on time therefore not winning.

Is baking a slow reaction?

i think yes because it takes a lot of time to be finished

What drug can significantly slow down reflexes and increase reaction time?

yes I am a doctor