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Q: Do Homologous chromosomes align themselves at the left of the spindle?
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Where are the chromosomes at the end of metaphase?

The chromosomes move themselves to and align in the equator of the cell.

In the metaphase of meiosis 2 and meiosis 1 how do they differ?

metaphase 1 occurs only in mitosis. the metaphase 2 is in meiosis. in metaphase 1, spindle fibers align the homologous chromosomes along the equator so that two chromosomes are on one side, and the other two are on the other side whereas in metaphase 2 spindle fibers align them along the equator so that all four chromosomes get cut in half.

What are chromosomes that have similar genetic information called?

Chromosomes that are similar are called homologous chromosomes. Chromosomes that have similar paired genes are called homolegous chromosomes. These copies have the same loci. These loci provide points along each chromosome that enable a pair of chromosomes to align.

What are the two most important structures involved in moving chromosomes during mitosis?

Centromeres and spindle fibers..Prophase: During cell division small structures called centromeres move to opposite ends of a cell.Prometaphase: These centromere structures produce spindle fibers that attach to the chromosomes' kinetochores (where the sister chromatids are joined together with bundles of proteins). Other spindle fibers attach to each other at the center.Metaphase: Tension is applied to the fibers, this causes the chromosomes to align along the center of the cell.Anaphase: The fibers pull the chromosomes apart and towards the centromeres at each end of the cell.Telophase: chromosomes arrive at ends and spindle fivers disappear.

Which step of mitosis are the chromosomes lined up in the center of the cell?

Metaphase is the stage where the chromosomes are align in the center of the cell.

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Where are the chromosomes at the end of metaphase?

The chromosomes move themselves to and align in the equator of the cell.

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Compare the process of crossing-over and independent assortment?

Crossing over is the exchange of DNA between homologous chromosomes where as Independent assortment is the process in which the chromosomes pair align themselves at the equator of the cell.

In the metaphase of meiosis 2 and meiosis 1 how do they differ?

metaphase 1 occurs only in mitosis. the metaphase 2 is in meiosis. in metaphase 1, spindle fibers align the homologous chromosomes along the equator so that two chromosomes are on one side, and the other two are on the other side whereas in metaphase 2 spindle fibers align them along the equator so that all four chromosomes get cut in half.

What are chromosomes that have similar genetic information called?

Chromosomes that are similar are called homologous chromosomes. Chromosomes that have similar paired genes are called homolegous chromosomes. These copies have the same loci. These loci provide points along each chromosome that enable a pair of chromosomes to align.

Where do chromosomes line up during metaphase?

Chromosomes align in a single row at the metaphase plate at right angles to the spindle poles. they actually go to the spindles equator

In which phase do chromosomes align on the spindle equator?

Chromosomes align on the spindle equator during the metaphase. During the metaphase the chromosomes meet on an imaginary line between the two poles.

What stage in meiosis do homologous chromosomes come together?

During meiosis, the homologous chromosomes come together during prophase I. Pairs of homologous chromosomes align during a process called synapsis and form a tetrad (four sister chromatids, two from each pair of homologous chromosomes). During synapsis, crossing over may occur, during which homologous chromosomes exchange genetic material.

What happens during metaphase in mitosis?

In metaphise, the spindle fibrez attach themselves to the centrumeres, or the constricted region of a chromosome where the two chromathds are attached, of the chromosomes and align the the chromosomes at the equatorial plate. I just guess

When do bivalent align during meiosis?

ensures that the resulting haploid cells will have the same combination of homologous chromosomes as the original diploid cell

What chromosomes align single file along the equator of a haploid cell?

during the metaphase. and they are called sister chromatids, not double chromosomes

What are the two most important structures involved in moving chromosomes during mitosis?

Centromeres and spindle fibers..Prophase: During cell division small structures called centromeres move to opposite ends of a cell.Prometaphase: These centromere structures produce spindle fibers that attach to the chromosomes' kinetochores (where the sister chromatids are joined together with bundles of proteins). Other spindle fibers attach to each other at the center.Metaphase: Tension is applied to the fibers, this causes the chromosomes to align along the center of the cell.Anaphase: The fibers pull the chromosomes apart and towards the centromeres at each end of the cell.Telophase: chromosomes arrive at ends and spindle fivers disappear.