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You can buy and sell stocks online without having a broker. Ameritrade and Zecco are very good companies.

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Q: Do I have to sign up with a broker company for buying stocks online?
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Can you explain what short selling stocks are?

In purchasing stocks, you buy a piece of ownership in the company. The buying and selling of stocks can occur with a stock broker or directly from the company.

Are there financial dangers in buying stocks online?

The major danger of buying stocks online is investor incompetence. A broker can generally get a better return than an untrained investor (though there are exceptions).

How does someone find out about buying stocks online?

The best way to find out buying stocks online is to first consult a finance agent or a family member or friend who understands the stock market. Once appropriate knowledge is gained, one can go to an online broker, open an account and start buying stocks online.

What are the risks to buying stocks online?

If you buy from a reputable broker, there are no more risks involved in online trading than with conventional trading.

Is it safe to be buying stocks online without going through a broker first?

It is rather safe to trade stocks online, given you are using a reputable and/or insured trading platform, such as E*Trade.

Do you need a broker for online stock trades?

You do not need a broker to trade stocks online, although I would recommend that whenever trading stocks, either live or online, you should always talk to a broker.

What should I know about the stock market before I begin buying stocks online?

I don't advise buying stocks online without a broker, but if you're intent on it, you need to evaluate how much risk you want to take and carefully research the companies you wish to invest in.

How can one sell stocks online?

Stocks may be sold online through an online broker. The stock seller requests and executes the trades as opposed to a live, human broker. Websites such as Scottrade and Sharebuilder will assist a person in selling their stocks online.

Where can you manage your online stock?

You can manage your online stocks through a stock broker or the corporations your stocks are in. They will provide you access to how your stocks are coming and how they are progressing.

Where can I find the best stocks to invest in?

In order to find out where you can find fairly priced stocks to get the most out of your money you may need to check online at company websites or perhaps talk to a stock broker.

What type of broker must one find to buy gold stocks?

If you're thinking of investing in or purchasing gold stocks you will need to put yourself in contact with a stock broker. A stock broker is a professional individual who deals with the buying and selling of stocks and shares through a stock exchange.

What makes a full-service broker a full-service broker?

Full-service brokers provide advice in addition to buying and selling stocks