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You really won't need a degree to help troubled teens. This can be done with simply some community service. It really depends on how you want to help the troubled teens. A Bachelors degree in Psychology, Sociology, or even Business might be useful but it should not be required.

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12y ago

anywhere there are teens....anywhere there are people.

your most likely gonna be doing volunteer work, at least for a while, especially without specified crudentials as a case worker or therepist.

you can talk to p-flag about joining their cause...lgbta has chapters everywhere.

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14y ago

You can be a social worker or work at a phycial clinic

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12y ago

You would probably need some dedication and experience before working with troubled teens. Some of the classes that you would need to take are psychology, education, and social work.

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Q: Do I need a qualification to work with troubled teens?
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How do I apply for a job as a counselor at troubled teens schools?

You will need to have a college degree to be a counselor. I suggest looking into a degree program for social work.

Are there any military schools for troubled teens that cost $2000/year or less?

Military schools have gained in popularity as a tool for parents to use with their troubled teens. The discipline that military schools offer exceeds discipline that usually can be used in a home setting. Military schools also teach teenagers to work as a team, which can foster a change in a teen's attitude. Types Military schools come in three types: schools that accept troubled teens; boot camps; and schools that do not take troubled teens. If your child has special needs, or abuses drugs, you will have to seek an alternative school such as a boarding school. The military schools that do not take troubled teens focus on academics.

Do employees have to have any type of specialized training to work at group homes for troubled teens?

You may need some training but it should not be a lot. You may need CPR training if they have a high suicide rate. You can talk to the employer about any special training you may need.

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Without it they cannot work as a nurse.

Where can one find programs for troubled teens?

There are many choices to select from when sending a troubled teen away from home to receive help. The majority of teens that need help are defiant, unruly, failing in school, running away from home, and using drugs. Some parents try counseling to help their teens but find that if the teen isn't willing to work with the counselor they are wasting their time and money. When the teen is heading in a negative direction parents may need to a more radical approach to break the cycle. This may include sending their teen to a boot camp or boarding school for troubled teens. For more information of this type of help parents could visit, or call 800 610 8810

What services do therapeutic boarding schools generally offer?

Therapeutic boarding schools offer services of a regular boarding school combined with therapeutic interventions for troubled teens. The very structured and work in teaching teens to learn through experience.

What qualifications do you need to have to be a lifeguard in the UK?

in England you will need an NPLQ (national pool lifeguard qualification)- to work at a pool of all types. and to work at a beach a NBLQ (national beach lifeguard qualification). this is for England, and is different or the rest of the UK.

What boarding schools for troubled teens have the best grade scores on graduation?

I googled this, but the best ones are the outdoor wildness camps one where they have to work together outdoors and work together as a team or they wont be able to make it.

What qualification do you need to work a cruise ship restaurant?

It would depend on your specific tasks.

If dont have any qualification but you want to study social work what do you need do to be a social worker?

You need a masters degree in social work ; MSW...or a CSW

How to Take Advantage of A Camp For Troubled Teens?

When our economy shifted and started making it a necessity for both parents to work in every household, the landscape of families shifted as well. Gone were the days when mom would be waiting patiently at home for their kids to return from school. Now mom has to work and dad does to which means that kids are left with more free time than they know what to do with. Free time for teens is just a chance to get into trouble and to make uninformed decisions with their friends. This is causing many teens to start down a path that will eventually land them in a lot of trouble, in jail or dead. For many of these children, a camp for troubled teens is the only thing between them and a life of crime. At camps for troubled teens, teens will learn one of the most important aspects of growing up and being an adult. They will learn how to take responsibility for their actions. When they can successfully do this, they will think through their choices a little better and make them as they think about the possible consequences of each action. The camp for troubled teens will make sure that each teen has a chance to discover in themselves a new way of behaving and living. They will also get down to the gritty core of why they are acting the way they are. When they can discover the hidden pain or damage that causes them to think a certain way and do the things they do, they can then begin to correct it and start living a more worthwhile life. Camps will often put teens in scenarios where they are forced to make difficult decisions. Often, these scenarios can be compared to real life and the process of working through them is giving teens the tools they need to revisit life again. Troubled teens should never be left to their own devices. Often, they have to be forced to realize something is wrong and they have to do something drastic to fix the problem. There is always hope for troubled teens but it has to be the adults in their life that show them the way.

What qualification do you need to have to become an abercrombie and fitch model?

first you need to work at abercrombie or abercrombie and fith and be 18 or older