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Q: Do I need antibiotics before a root canal after having a joint replacement?
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How long will antibiotics keep a person from having a root canal?


Have had second root canal on same molar Infection keeps coming back Am on antibiotics They work for awhile and the pain illness returns Should you have it pulled or keep trying to kill the infec?

When you have a root canal generally it is performed during 2 to 3 visits. Do you mean second visit to root canal? If you are being told this is a second root canal on the same tooth, find another dentist and stay on the antibiotics. Minimally get another opinion before making a decision. Get x-rayed, and checked again, you should not have pain or swelling after the root canal. Possible underlying other causes.

I had a root canal on tooth days ago. Still taking strong pain pills and antibiotics. Dentist said he does not know anything else to do. Any suggestions?

First continue taking antibiotics, secondly if the root canal was completed you SHOULD NOT be having any pain at all. If your dentist does not know what else to do, you should search out another dentist that can help you. also if you are in that much pain that you need pain killers, something else could be going on. See another dentist as soon as you can, but stay on the antibiotics to be safe.

What is antibioma?

actually it is due to treating swelling in mouth by antibiotics only.such conditions occur due to dental abscess where antibiotics given without incision and drainage or root canal treatment.

The canal used to place scrotum and testes to place just before birth in men?

The inguinal canal is the canal that is used to place scrotum and testes in place before birth in men.

Is diastole having the relation with alimentary canal?

No. Diastole refers to the cardiovascular system, and alimentary canal is in the gastrointestinal system.

How long does it take before you need a root canal?

One endotontist told me to hurry up before it got pus in it and the other told me to leave it alone and see if it settled down after the crown procedure. Quack!It depends on the situation, sometimes if you already have an acute infection the dentist may give you some antibiotics to start reducing the infection before having the root canal done. Partially this is done because it is pus can interfere with the anesthetic making it harder to get the area numb. Other dentists will open the canal and allow the pus to drain out of the center of the tooth, this relieves the pressure and pain. If you don't have an acute infection then it is best to get it done a.s.a.p. before one occurs, the longer you let things go the worse the prognosis is for the tooth to be retained long term. -RDH---------Root canal has to be performed if the dental nerve has died and/or is infected. You may have no pain but still need a root canal treatment. Most common reasons for root canal treatment are bad caries and tooth abrasion at the dentist.Here's a video with more info about root canal

How do you keep an infection out the mouth after a root canal and or crown lengthening has been done?

I would assume antibiotics. After you take antibiotics, though, it is important to take some form of a probiotic to put the 'good bacteria' back up where it needs to be since antibiotics wipe out harmful and helpful bacteria.

Did Lewis and Clark reach the Pacific Ocean before or after the Erie Canal was opened?

Lewis and Clark reached the Pacific in 1805. The Erie Canal opened in 1825.

What country was Israel located in before the Suez Canal?

Israel has always been located right where it is now, even before the Suez Canal was constructed.

If your root canal specialist told you that you could wait and not get a root canal because you are not feeling any pain should you get one anyway?

I am not a dentist, but I have had to get a root canal. If they say you need one get it done before it gets bad. I waited too long (I hate the dentist). The pain that the tooth started to cause was unbearable. My whole head was killing me after a while. I waited till it got infected and when I finnally got in I had to have it treated with antibiotics for something like two weeks before I could get the whole procedure done. Anyway, if I had to do it over I woould NOT have waited. Good luck.

Do you bleed out if you smoke marijuana before a root canal?
