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Q: Do North Korean people eat with a knife and fork?
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Why do you say knife and fork and not fork and knife?

Because the Knife was created before the Fork.

Do Italian people eat food with a knife and fork?

Italian people are no different than anyone else and yes, they do use a knife and fork and in some cases use a fork with a spoon to twirl their pasta around the fork so it does not splatter everywhere.

Do you fold a napkin with a fork and knife in it or just the fork?

Fork and knife

What do people in Spain eat with?

With fork and knife and spoon :-)

HOW do people eat in Finland?

With knife and fork, of course?

Do Russian people eat with a knife and fork?


How do you eat in Ireland?

with a knife and fork like most people

What do Maltese people eat with?

With a fork and knife or a spoon, depends on the meal.

Why is a knife and fork colder than the table it is on?

Because who ever touch the fork or knife had a disease

Is it appropriate to cut salad with a knife in a restaurant?

Most people use a knife and fork to eat their salad. So, yes, use a knife if you want to.

Why is the fork on the left and the knife on the right?

Because you use your knife to cut, and your fork to keep your steak from sliding of your plate. It's simply harder to cut your food with your left hand. so you take the fork in the left hand, the knife in the right. That's the reason, why the fork goes left and the knife goes right from the plate.

Where does the fork and knife go next to the plate?

Fork on left and knife on right. If you have lots of courses you work from the inside to the outside. You would have a smaller fork for starter then work outside for the rest.