

Do Penelope recognized Odysseus immediately.

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: Do Penelope recognized Odysseus immediately.
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Who recognized Odysseus and dies immediately after?

Argos, Odysseus' faithful hunting dog, recognized Odysseus and dies immediately afterward.

Penelope recognized Odysseus immediately true or false?

False. Penelope does not immediately recognize Odysseus when he returns home in the epic "The Odyssey." She tests him to see if he is truly her husband by setting up the challenge of stringing his bow and shooting an arrow through a line of axes.

Who recognized Odysseus after he had an interview with Penelope?

Odysseus' nurse recognizes Odysseus as she is bathing his feet, due to a old scar he received as a child on a boar hunt.

Who recognized Odysseus after he an interview with Penelope?

Odysseus' nurse recognizes Odysseus as she is bathing his feet, due to a old scar he received as a child on a boar hunt.

Why isn't Odysseus recognized when he first arrives?

Odysseus isn't recognized when he first arrives home because he is disguised as a beggar. He purposely chooses to wear a disguise so that he can trick Penelope's suitors. When he confronts Penelope herself, he remains in this disguise to test whether she has forgotten about him, etc., though it is not certain whether Penelope was fooled at all or simply playing a sort of game with Odysseus.

Who is Odysseus' wife?

Odysseus' wife was Penelope, daughter of Icarius and Periboea.

Who recognized Odysseus despite his rags when he returns to his kingdom?

When Odysseus first returned home to Ithaca, the only person who recognized him was his old nurse, Eurycleia. She was able to recognize Odysseus by a scar he had received as a child from a boar's tusk. She saw the scar when she was washing Odysseus's feet and nearly told Penelope that Odysseus was there, but he stopped her. In addition, his dog also recognized his master Odysseus and then died.

Who recognized Odysseus?

While in the underworld: Tiresias recognized Odysseus even before he had drank of the blood. Odysseus' mother Anticlea recognized Odysseus after drinking of the blood. Many former warriors recognized Odysseus, in particular Ajax the greater, who still would not forgive Odysseus after death. While disguised as a beggar by Athena: Argos, his faithful hunting dog, recognized Odysseus. Eurycleia, Odysseus' nurse, recognized Odysseus by his scar. Eumaeus and Philotius recognize Odysseus after he reveals himself to them. The suitors recognize Odysseus after he performs the contest's feat and reveals himself. Penelope recognizes Odysseus after revealing himself. Laertes also recognizes Odysseus after revealing himself.

Who is eurynome in Odysseus par 2?

he is the housekeeper for penelope and penelope is odysseus wife and odysseus is the king of ithleca

Does Penelope recognize Odysseus when he is in his beggar's costume?

No, Penelope does not recognize that the beggar is Odysseus.

Why doesn't Penelope immediately embrace Odysseus?

Penelope doesn't immediately embrace Odysseus when he returns after his long journey because she is cautious and skeptical about his true identity. She tests him to confirm his identity and ensure that he is indeed her husband. Additionally, she has been deceived in the past by impostors claiming to be Odysseus, so she wants to be absolutely certain before welcoming him back.

Who told Penelope that Odysseus had come back to claim his house and had slain all the wooers?

The news was delivered to Penelope by Eurycleia, the loyal nurse who recognized Odysseus by a scar on his leg while washing his feet. She confirmed his return and the defeat of the suitors.