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It depends on how old they are if you have a teenager with aspergers empathy may be a difficult concept to explain. However if you have a small child with AS. around age four or so it may be easier to teach empathy. you might want to start by observing how they behave around others. when I was little and peole saw me doing things rthat were inappropriate they would say how would you feel if i did that to you and it took some tiome but i got the idea. but it really depends on how old your child is the younger your child is diagnosed with AS. the more likly they will be able to learn empathy with your help.

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Of course they do. Having a mental disorder has no affect on your emotions or sense of judgement. Being Autistic does not mean you are not human. It just means you are different. It is true that they do not always express emotions the same way most people do, but this is simply because they see the world differently, but they are still human beings.

In fact, Autistic people are even more emotional than non-autistic people because they get stressed out very easily.

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Yes, in fact most people with AS are hypersensitive. They just don't show it.

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??? EVERYONE has feelings!

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Q: Can people with aspergers learn empathy?
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People with aspergers dont have many friends because they are shy but some people will play with aspies and make friends with them. I have aspergers but have a good amount of friends. People with aspergers are aslo morelikely to be bullied so they might get a reputation as being weak

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What is aspi?

Aspie = Person with Aspergers Syndrome. It's friendly slang that those with Aspergers Syndrome use to refer to themselves. People without Aspergers Syndrome are referred to as NTs - Neurotypicals.

Can being married to a jerk actually be someone with aspergers?

It could be but it's unlikely, people with aspergers tend to be nice and caring

Do people with aspergers like math?

Not all people with aspergers like math. One of the aspergers myths, is that they all love and/or are gifted in math. However, some do seem like they're gifted in math, while others might have trouble.

Do some people with Aspergers Syndrome have selective mutism?

I have aspergers and find myself a chatterbox to a friend and rather silent to my mother. IDK :p She gets annoyed though but what can i say? People with aspergers may or may not experience selected mutism.

What is like aspergers?

Aspergers is quite sorta... wierd. you can normally conversate and other things that non-aspergers people do but it's like seeing everything clearly but being behind a glass wall.

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Empathy and compassion are one and the same. People who display empathy are often compassionate.

What if your you suspect Asperger's Syndrome in your husband but he refuses to read about it?

You could talk to a psychologist and tell them the signs of Aspergers that your husband is showing. That way if your husband does have Aspergers he can get medicine for his symptoms, but not all people with Aspergers need medicine

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Is a relationship with a person with asperger's syndrome doomed?

Not at all.People with Aspergers fall in love and care about people, just like people without Aspergers.The thing is, people with Aspergers have their own style of communication, and people without Aspergers have a different style of communication. Emotions manifest in certain ways in persons with Aspergers, and in slightly different ways with non-Aspergers. So sometimes two people both with Aspergers get along well, because they understand eachother, and can read each other's emotions better. Sometimes neurotypicals (that is, people without Aspergers) don't propperly read the emotions of someone with Aspergers, and vice versa. So there can be challenges in a neurotypical/Aspie relationship, but that relationship is not doomed. You just have to both learn to understand each other, which is perfectly possible if you both want to.The important thing to remember, is that each person with Aspergers is a unique individual with an individual personality, just like each person without Aspergers.I have Aspergers. My closest friend does also. We have a lot of affection for each other. Sadly, not everyone else understands me. But he does. Our friendship proves that we are capable of deep emotionally felt love.And it really is possible for a deep relationship to exist when one person is neurotypical (not aspergers) and the other has aspergers. But it does really help when you understand Aspergers.Aspergers: Capable of deep love, like anyone else.May have more subtle or different ways of showing emotion.Tended to be socially awkward when young. May have learned social skills in adulthood, or may still come across as a little weird.Will always have an Obsession. What this is about, depends on the individual. If he/she is in love with you, you may be their Obsession.