

Do Platypuses Incubate

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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Yes. Platypuses are monotremes, or egg-laying mammals. Female platypuses incubate their eggs. They do this by curling tightly around the eggs for around ten says, until they hatch.

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Q: Do Platypuses Incubate
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Do platypuses live in dens?

No. Platypuses live in burrows which they dig at the side of riverbanks, creek banks or edges of lakes and ponds. They are usually dug under an overhang of the bank, or where the entrance can be concealed by logs or vegetation.During breeding deason, the female platypus also digs an extra chamber at the end of her burrow to incubate her eggs. Platypuses are one of just two types of egg-laying mammals.

What is a platypus gestation period?

Platypuses do not give birth to live young. They are one of only two types of mammals to lay eggs. Fertilised platypus eggs stay in the mother's body for around 28 days. When they are laid, they incubate for another ten days before hatching.

Does America have platypuses?

No. America does not have platypuses. Platypuses are endemic to eastern Australia.

What does a platypus live in?

Platypuses live in burrows which they dig at the side of riverbanks, creek banks or edges of lakes and ponds. They are usually dug under an overhang of the bank, or where the entrance can be concealed by logs or vegetation. During breeding deason, the female platypus also digs an extra chamber at the end of her burrow to incubate her eggs. Platypuses are one of just two types of egg-laying mammals.

How do you spell platypuses?

Platypuses is the correct spelling.

How fat can a platypus get?

Platypuses do not get fat. They are active, streamlined animals. Their tail, on the other hand, stores fat. A platypus stores most of its body fat in its tail to help it survive when food is limited, and to prepare for when the female must incubate her eggs and care for the young when they hatch.

When do platypuses come out?

Platypuses are nocturnal. They come out at night.

Are platypuses herbivores or omnivores?

Platypuses are considered carnivores.

Where do platypuses mate?

Platypuses mate on land, not in the water.

Are PLATYPUSES born alive?

Are PLATYPUSES born alive?

How were platypuses invented?

Platypuses were not invented. They were discovered by someone.

Where do platypuses come from?

Platypuses are found only in Australia.