

Do Revenues represent decreases in stockholders' equity?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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no, they represent increases in stockholders' equity.

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Q: Do Revenues represent decreases in stockholders' equity?
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assets, liabilities, stockholders' equity, revenues, expense

What causes stockholder equity to change?

Remember that in accounting, the Mother of All Equations is: Assets - Liabilities = Stockholders' Equity Anything that increases or decreases your assets or liabilities is going to cause your Stockholders' Equity to change as well.

Expanded accounting equation?

The expanded accounting equation is Assets = Liabilities + Equity, where Assets represent the resources owned by a company, Liabilities are the company's debts or obligations, and Equity represents the residual interest in the company's assets after deducting its liabilities. This equation is the foundation of double-entry accounting, ensuring that the company's balance sheet remains balanced.

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Assets, Expenses and Losses have native debit balances. Liabilities, Stockholders' equity, Revenues, and Gains have native credit balances.

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Assets, Expenses and Losses have native debit balances. Liabilities, Stockholders' equity, Revenues, and Gains have native credit balances.

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They do not.

Dividends is what type of account?

Dividends are classified as stockholders' equity. They reduce stockholders' equity so they can also be called a contra equity account.

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Net worth is equal to stockholders' equity minus liabilities.

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The denominator is the stockholders' (assuming there is more than one stockholder) equity

How do you compute a Return on common stockholders equity?

(Net Income - Preferred Stock Dividends) / Average common stockholders' equity

What items affect stockholders equity?

Stockholders Equity is increase by profits and the issuance of new stock. Stockholders Equity is reduced by losses, the payment of dividends and the purchase of Treasury Stock (the company's re-purchase of its own stock).

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