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No they don't, and you ever tells you they do are lying

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Q: Do UFOs exist outside Planet Earth?
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Why do UFOs always disappear into the northwest?

If they do it's probably because their planet is northwest of earth.

How good is the evidence on UFOs?

Not very good I'm afraid. In all the decades that UFOs have been sighted or reported, no credible evidence has been put forward that UFOs are from anywhere but the planet earth, either produced by human hands or by human imaginations. None whatsoever.

Are there any UFOs on Saturn?

UFOs are things in the sky that cannot be identified by the person who sees them. There are no persons known to exist on the planet Saturn, so no one there is seeing things they can't identify. For the record, so far there has been no valid scientific proof of life elsewhere than Earth. Even the so-called "fossils" in the Mars meteorite, has not panned out.

Are UFOs real or just a hoax?

Currently there is no firm evidence that UFOs really exist. That doesn't mean they may not be real; it just hasn't been established as a fact so far, at least in the public eye. In many individual cases, it might be a hoax - but this still isn't any proof that they don't exist. It is logical to assume, though, that as there is life on the planet Earth, there's as much a possibility of life on other planets as there is here.

Can UFOs be found?

The instant they are found they cease to exist. They are found and then they are identified. Once identified they cease to be UFOs.

Do ufo's have to be from another planet or can they be from anywhere and flown by anyone?

"UFOs" imply extraterrestrial beings, and they don't exist. But there is a "Spirit World", where there are "people" who have lived on Earth and died, and may try to "communicate" with us. For the full truth of this situation, read at:

How could an alien make it to your planet?

using UFOS

On what principle do ufos fly?

It is impossible to even speculate. There is no admitted proof that UFOs do exist and no hard information on propulsion.

How has UFOs landed?

Like flying machines on Earth, UFOs are equipted with landing gear.

What planet shows the most reported UFO sightings?

Earth is the only planet known to have life on it, so obviously Earth is the only known place in the universe that could have UFO sightings. It is important to remember that "UFO" just means "I don't know what that is". It does *not* mean "Alien spacecraft". That is a very unlikely answer to what UFOs are. There is no reason to think UFOs are anything other than a misidentification of known phenomena.

Will UFOs ever come down to earth to learn from us?

UFOs are very often seen on Earth, and nobody knows what is inside of one. If there are truly UFOs from space, when they supposedly come to Earth they may already be learning from us.

What are aliens n UFOs?

Extraterrestrial life forms-if they exist.