

Do Whales Bite

Updated: 11/13/2022
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15y ago

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i have no idea cause im not researching whales im researching earth anbody tell me anything about it ????

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Q: Do Whales Bite
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Can whales fight back?

no they bite

Do killer whales bite?

yes, that is how they eat

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they bite it

Are whales safer to swim with than sharks?

yes whales are safer to swim with because whales don't bite

Can humpback whales eat fin whales?

No. Humpbacks belong to the group of baleen whales - filter feeders. They can't swallow big things and they don't have the teeth to bite things apart or chew.

What kind of Sharks Eat Killer Whales?

Killer Whales eat Great White Sharks. Nothing eats Killer Whales unless they are already dead from natural causes then everything is free to take a bite.

Do blue whales like human flesh?

Blue whales do not eat humans; they eat krill filtered from the water with their baleen. Humans are too large for them to bite and eat.

Is a baleen whale a toothed whale?

Baleen whales and toothed whales are two DIFFERENT kinds of whales. A whale can only be either-or. Baleen whales are filter feeders, they eat a "soup" of small stuff they filter out from the sea. Toothed whales eat things big enough to catch one by one, or to bite chunks out of.

Do humpback whales eat with other whales?

No, humpback whales only eat plankton and occasionally small fish. They have baleen instead of teeth so they wouldn't be able to bite at the whale shark. Whale sharks also eat plankton and sometimes small fish.

Could whale teeth bite off human limbs?

Most whales do not have teeth persay, its more or less think hair, that could possibly trap someone but cant bite someone. A killer whale howeer does have teeth and can bite humans and most likely kill them

What shark does not eat humans?

People have been killed by whales, but i don't think there are any recorded cases of a human actually being eaten. Whales come in two groups, toothed whales and baleen whales - filter feeders. (some of) The toothed family of whales does have the mouths and teeth to take a human apart into bite-sized portions, so these at least have the possibility of eating humans. But for the baleen whales I don't think it's even anatomically possible.

What do Gray Sharks Eat?

gray sharks eat all sea animals exept for whales and dophins and mermaids. they bite humans too.