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Yes, wild geraniums, which are also known as cranesbills, are herbaceous perennials and although the leaves and stems die down during the winter they sprout new growth again in the spring.

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4d ago

Wild Geraniums are perennials that typically go into dormancy during the winter months. They will die back to the ground and re-emerge in the spring when the weather warms up.

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Q: Do Wild Geraniums live in winter?
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How long does a geranium live for?

A geranium can typically live for 2-3 years, although with proper care it can live up to 5 years or more.

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The duration of Wild Wild Winter is 1.33 hours.

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Wild Wild Winter was created on 1966-01-05.

When do geraniums bloom?

Geraniums(Pelargoniums) are perennials therefore given the right conditions will flower constantly.

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Wild Wild Winter - 1966 was released on: USA: 5 January 1966

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What is the plural of geranium?

The plural of geranium is geraniums. As in "the geraniums look lovely".

Do wild geraniums need shade?

No, wild geraniums do not need shade even though yes, they do need it! The flowering plants in question (Geranium maculatum) grow along forested and wooded edges and in forested and wooded clearings and open forests and woodlands. They optimize partial shade and partial sun or, in the case of moist, well-drained soils, full sunlight.