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Q: Do a hermit crab have a back bone?
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Does a hermit crab have a back bone?

Hermit crabs do not have backbones. They are invertebrates, with hard exoskeletons that protect their bodies. (However, the exoskeleton does not cover its soft abdomen.)

What do you do if your Hermit Crabs loose legs?

you don't need to do anything a hermit crab will do it itself. if a hermit crab losses a leg it will grow back. it will grow back after molting.

Will Hermit Crab's legs grow back?


What does a hermit crab grow in to?

a hermit crab

What if claws and body of hermit crab fell apart is it dead or will its body parts grow back?

Yes, it will grow back.The body you see is actually a shell that the hermit crab sheds to grow. you can get all your hermit crab info on

What is the benefit of the sea anemone from the hermit crab?

A sea hermit crab carries sea anemones on it's back to protect it from other predators.

What eats a hermit crab?

What is a Hermit Crab's predator?

What happens when a hermit crab looses a pincer?

It grows back

How did the hermit crab gets its name?

It's term 'hermit' is not because it doesn't like other hermit crabs. The hermit crab actually loves being with other hermits. It is called hermit crab because it is only one hermit crab in the shell. It's term 'hermit' is not because it doesn't like other hermit crabs. The hermit crab actually loves being with other hermits. It is called hermit crab because it is only one hermit crab in the shell.

How do you take care of a Jamaican hermit crab?

If it is a hermit crab, then it is like any other hermit crab, so just take care of it as you would to a regular hermit crab :)

Animal has its house on its back?

The animals that carries its house on its back is a hermit crab and a snail :)

What are the families of the hermit crab?

hermit crab family always helps