

Do acorns respond to a stimulus?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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Lvl 1
3y ago
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Lvl 1
3y ago
Well I don't really f@ckking know

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Q: Do acorns respond to a stimulus?
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Generalization is the tendency to respond to a stimulus that is similar but not identical to a conditioned stimulus.

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A stimulus causes your body to react, a response is something that is caused by a stimulus. Work it out, does the virus respond to you more or you to the virus?

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A muscle fiber will not respond to a stimulus until that stimulus reaches the threshold level needed to trigger an action potential. This threshold level is the minimum amount of stimulus required to elicit a response from the muscle fiber.

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it mean a respond by the organism after receiving the stimulus.

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To React

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True or false a stimulus is anything that causes an organism to respond?

Yes stimulus is anything that can cause an organism to respond. If our nerve cells are damaged it is possible that we may not respond to the stimulus. Study of nervous system is very important to understand this phenomenon.

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can i have an answer please

What is the term for the length of time that it takes for you to respond to a stimulus?

The term for the length of time it takes for you to respond to a stimulus is called reaction time. It is the time from when a stimulus is presented to when a response is initiated.

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An organism could respond to an external stimulus, such as light, by moving towards it (positive phototaxis), or away from it (negative phototaxis). In response to an internal stimulus, like a change in glucose levels, an organism could release insulin to lower blood sugar levels or trigger hunger signals to increase glucose intake.

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