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i hope not

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Q: Do adult bottlenose dolphins kill other bottlenose dolphins?
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Related questions

Do humans kill bottlenose dolphins?

humans kill bottle-nosed dolphins for food. so stop

Can bottlenose dolphins kill any type of sharks?

Usually By Ramming It So Hard It Bleeds To Death

What are some special abilities of a bottlenose dolphins?

they use there fins to kill

Do bottlenose dolphins serve humanity as food?

I think that bottlenose dolphins serve humanity as food just in China and Japanese, because they are the only ones that kill them. And eat them.

Can dolphins take down a white shark?

Yes, The bottlenose dolphins can kill to a white shark 3 - 5 meters. The bottlenose dolphins can kill to any shark. Wow,You could be surprised of what a dolphin could to a shark

What are the bottlenose dolphins species survival status?

well killer whales are least concern but before japan killed dolphins soo now their survival status is common but WWF is working on it with the help of captivity in aquariums their common soon they will be least concern but their fine dont worry and in some places its illegal to kill dolphins!!

Are bottle nose whales extinct?

Bottlenose dolphins are not extinct but they are classed as not endangered and least concerned as their population isn't at risk as of yet. However they are at risk of extinction if tuna fishing happens as they swim with tuna fishes and can get caught in the nets. As an result, they can die. Reason for this is that tailspins would swim with common fishes and this creates an opportunity for fisherman vessels to kill bottlenose dolphins in inadvertently way. Meaning they are killed by accident but some would sell bottlenose dolphins as a different dolphin species or not as a dolphin so that it's legally sold.

Are dolphins afraid of bigger dolphins?

Dolphins are peaceful, they don't eat each other or kill each other. They live in large pods with dolphins of all sizes

Can sharks and dolphins kill each other?

no because dolphin can't kill shark

Do men kill dolphins by accident or purpose?

Yes, men kill dolphins by accident or purpose Yes, people kill dolphins by accident or purposeYes, babies kill dolphins by accident or purposeYes, women kill dolphins by accident or purposeYes, people kill dolphins by accident or purpose

Do dolphins kill whales?

Whales are not known to kill Dolphins, either deliberately or accidentally.

Are dolphins rare?

Maui's dolphin, a subspecies of Hector's dolphin, is the world's rarest dolphin according to Wikipedia. There are only 55 adult Maui's dolphins, and they live off the west coast of New Zealand's north island.