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Q: Do albatrosses keep the same mate for live?
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Do kiwi keep the same mate for life?

Yes they do

Do koalas keep the same mate?

No. Koalas mate with different koalas each breeding season.

Do polar bears keep the same mate?

No. Sows often will mate with more than one male during her heat period.

Can you keep ladybugs and crickets together or in the same cage?

you can't keep crickets in the same cage but ladybugs you can. if you don't want your crickets hoppin on your ladies. DONT PUT THEM TOGETHER No ,crickets cant live in the same cage cause they will mate and there will be something called a crick bug,or a lady crick.

A blank is a group of organisms that mate with one another and live in the same place at the same time?

Species is the term used for a group of organisms that can mate to produce fertile offspring. Population is the term used for all members of the same species that live in the same place at the same time.

Why do dolphins mate?

Dolphins mate because they want to try and keep there species going for as long as possible. pretty much same reason as humans.

Are all organism that can mate come from the same species?

by they can live in the forest or some were else

Do polar bears live with the same species?

No, they are solitary animals. They only come together to mate.

Do sea horses live in shoal or alone?

Seahorses do not live in a shoal, they live alone. When they find a mate, they remain with the same partner until they die.

Do chickens stay with the same mate all their life?

sometimes, but they may get 'divorced' and keep seperate homes like we humans do.

Bird with the longest wingspan?

Southern Royal Albatross - about 3.5m (about 11.5 feet) though some of the larger Snowy Albatrosses are about the same