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Q: Do alkali metals form many complexes?
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Why are group 1 metals called alkaine metals?

They are actually called the alkali metals. They are called the alkali metals because many of the compounds they form are bases (alkaline) and in pure form they will react with water to produce strong bases.

How many valance electrons has alkali metals?

1 valence electron in alkali metals.

How many Alkaline and Alkali Metals are there?

Six alkali metals and six alkaline earths.

How many valence electron does alkali metals have?

Alkali metals have one valence electron.

Do the alkali metals have the ability to tarnish?

By forming their oxides, the alkali metals tarnish very quickly with respect to many other metals.

Why group 1 element are called alkali metals?

They react with water to form metal hydroxides which makes the solution basic, or alkaline. For example, sodium plus water produces sodium hydroxide plus hydrogen. 2Na + 2H2O ---> 2NaOH + H2

How many valence electrons alkali metals have?

alkali metals have 1 electron in there outer valence shell. I remember that alkali and alkaline go with columns 1 & 2 of the periodic table alphabetically. Alkali then alkaline. Alkali metals have 1 valence electron. Alkaline metals have 2 valence electrons.

Are alkalai metals metal?

According to the scientific definition of a metal yes, Alkali metals are considered metals, but it is important to understand that alkali metals have different properties from regular metals. The alkali metals exhibit many of the physical properties common to metals, although their densities are lower than those of other metals. Alkali metals have one electron in their outer shell, which is loosely bound. This gives them the largest atomic radii of the elements in their respective periods. Their low ionization energies result in their metallic properties and high reactivities. An alkali metal can easily lose its valence electron to form the univalent cation. Alkali metals have low electronegativities. They react readily with nonmetals, particularly halogens.

How many electrons away from a noble gas are the alkali metals?

Alkali metals have one electron more than the noble gases.

Why are the alkali metals so named?

When alkali metals react with water they produce an alkali (basic) solution. No because they form basic oxides and they neutralise acids

Which metal react with dilute hcl?

Many metals including alkali metals, alkali earth metals, chromium, nickel and zinc react with dilute hydrochloric acid.

How many valence electrons do the alkali metals have?