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no of course , because Muslims believe that no god but Allah(and that's true)

and muhammed is the messanger of Allah , and they believe that Jesus , moses , Jacob , Joseph...etc are all mssangers of Allah and they all was ordering people to a one relegion , worshipping the only god Allah. and that's opposites the christians who worship Jesus , and he's only human like us but they arent understanding this. for more info. plz send e-mail on

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Answer 1

No, of course not (and I say that as a former chaplain). But then, it depends on which religious group you are asking. In some fundamentalist Protestant denominations, they believe only their members will be saved, and everyone else (Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, and the "wrong" kinds of Christians) will go to hell. But only a small percentage of people still believe that. The rest of us believe that any person, no matter what his or her religion, will be judged on whether they lived an honorable and compassionate life and whether they tried to make the world a better place. If they did this, they will be rewarded in this life, and if there is a next life, they will be rewarded there too.

Answer 2

This depends on the perspective of the Answerer.

  • Atheists would say that Muslims do not go to Hell since there is no Hell.
  • Jews would say that Muslims have a stake in the World to Come (the Jewish "Good Place") provided they follow the Seven Noahide Laws (which almost all Muslims follow).
  • Christians would say that all Muslims go to Hell because they deny Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.
  • Muslims would say that Muslims who are true believers (as opposed to Hypocrites or Munafiqin) will go to Heaven. Those who do not truly believe will go to Hell.
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Q: Are Muslims going to hell
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YES Muslims believe in heaven and in Hell.

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Muslims believe in heavens & in hell. The two are mentioned alot in the Holy Quran & in the Sunnah. The Almighty God will reward people by heavens & punish others by hell.

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They can if they want to but the will be painfully punished in hell by Allah (God).

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Hell is a concept in the Christian and Islamic religions, but not in Judaism. For Christians and Muslims, the unsaved do burn in hell forever. Jews believe that they merely lose out from going to heaven. Another point of view is that neither heaven nor hell is real. Hell is therefore not an eternal place and there is no punishment in the afterlife.

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Christians, Muslims and Jews believe that God is real; Christians, Muslims and Zoroastrians believe hell exists, but Jews do not. There is no objective proof that either God or hell actually exists; it is a matter of faith if you wish to believe.

Do Muslims believe in eternal punishment?

Muslims believe that a wicked person will suffer in Hell eternally, just as Christianity does.

When was We're Going to Hell for This created?

We're Going to Hell for This was created in 2002.

Why do Muslims believe that you ever go to heaven or hell when they die?

U can

Do you have to go to heaven or hell?

Only if they exist. Christians and Muslims believe that both heaven and hell exist, but belief is not proof.

Who will go to hell Christians or Muslims?

One viewNeither. Hell does not exist - the notion was created by man to help keep the faithful in line.