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Neither. Hell does not exist - the notion was created by man to help keep the faithful in line.

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Q: Who will go to hell Christians or Muslims?
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Do Christians and Muslims agree that Jews go to Hell?

jews are made to live in heaven.

Do you have to go to heaven or hell?

Only if they exist. Christians and Muslims believe that both heaven and hell exist, but belief is not proof.

What are the names of the places where Christians and Muslims go to worship?

Muslims go to Mosques and Christians go to churches.

Is God real and is there a hell?

Christians, Muslims and Jews believe that God is real; Christians, Muslims and Zoroastrians believe hell exists, but Jews do not. There is no objective proof that either God or hell actually exists; it is a matter of faith if you wish to believe.

In hell does man have body soul and spirit?

The first issue to decide is whether there really is a hell. Atheists say there is no heaven and no hell. Jews say there is a heaven, but there is no hell. Christians and Muslims say there is a heaven and there is a hell.If in fact there is a hell, those who go there can not have thir earthly bodies, because we know without doubt that they stay in the grave.

What do people think of hell?

Christians, Muslims and Zoroastrians believe hell exists, Jews do not. Hinduism has a somewhat similar concept.Those who believe in hell think of it as a place of eternal torment, often in both fire and darkness.

If the Koran is so fabulous why do all the Muslims go to hell?

i am a Muslim and all who are christian that kiss in lips or do bed fun will go to hell i sware ur question is sooooooooooooooo stupid!!!! reallyreally really?My Answer: Who said Muslims are going to go to hell. Are you God to know who's going to hell and who's not? Do you know if you're going to hell?

Why do Muslims believe that you ever go to heaven or hell when they die?

U can

How are Muslims Jews and Christians similar?

The Muslims are similar to the Jews and the Christians. The followers of these three religions have many common beliefs. They have faith in the oNENEss of Almighty God, Prophets, heavenly Books, Hell and heaven, life hereafter, Day of Judgment etc.

Do Christians believe that Jesus went to hell when he died?

NO Jesus did not go to hell he went to haven and that's true.

Will Christians go to hell for believing in Jesus as the Messiah?

It would be fair to say just the opposite is the belief of Christians.

Who are the most Christians or Muslims?
