

Heaven and Hell

From the earliest civilizations mankind has questioned the concept of a God or higher power as creator. Many religions believe in the concept of a heaven and a hell as a place that souls go to reside after death. Endlessly fascinating and at times controversial, Heaven and Hell are a part of the human experience.

471 Questions

What is the average temperature in hell?

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Asked by SantaClaws

There is no definitive answer to this question as hell is a concept that varies across different cultures and religions. In literature, hell is often described as a place of eternal torment and suffering, with intense heat symbolizing its punishing nature. It is typically depicted as being extremely hot, but the actual temperature is not specified.

Will the sun go to heaven or hell?

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Asked by Wiki User

The sun is a massive star made up of gas and will not go to heaven or hell as these are religious concepts associated with the afterlife for humans. The sun will eventually exhaust its fuel supply and expand into a red giant before collapsing into a white dwarf.

How can heaven exist?

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Asked by Wiki User

Heaven is a concept that exists in various religions and belief systems as a place of eternal happiness and peace. Whether or not heaven actually physically exists is a matter of faith and personal beliefs, rather than something that can be proven or disproven scientifically.

How did god get to heaven?

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In many religious beliefs, God is considered to be omnipotent and omnipresent, meaning that God is beyond physical limitations and not bound by the same constraints as humans. Therefore, it is believed that God exists beyond the physical realm of heaven or any other specific location.

Is heaven infinite?

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Many religious beliefs describe heaven as eternal or infinite in terms of time, as a place where one's soul finds eternal peace and happiness. However, the concept of heaven being spatially infinite may vary depeding on individual beliefs and interpretations of religious teachings.

Is there a heaven or hell in gaia?

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Asked by Wiki User

In Gaia Online, there is no specific concept of heaven or hell as traditionally defined in religious beliefs. Gaia is a virtual world that incorporates various elements of fantasy and immersion, but it does not have a fixed religious framework like traditional beliefs.

How did Satan get to Hell?

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Asked by Wiki User

According to Christian theology, Satan was cast out of heaven and into Hell after rebelling against God. This rebellion led to a war in heaven, in which Satan and his followers were defeated and subsequently banished to Hell as punishment for their disobedience.

What does bastet eat?

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Asked by Ichigoshortcake

Bastet, the Egyptian goddess, is often depicted with a lioness or cat head and was associated with protecting the home and family. She was not depicted as eating in ancient texts, as she represented protection, fertility, and motherhood. However, in modern interpretations, she is sometimes associated with offerings of fish, milk, and other foods traditionally offered to deities in ancient Egypt.

Does Heaven exist?

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Asked by Wiki User

The existence of Heaven is based on individual beliefs and cultural traditions. Different religions have varying descriptions of Heaven as a spiritual realm or afterlife destination where individuals may find peace, happiness, and eternal life. Ultimately, the existence of Heaven is a matter of faith and personal interpretation.

Do animals go to heaven or hell when they die?

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Asked by Wiki User

Heaven is the STATE of BEING, in which an eternal spirit is united with God. The only beings who have spiritual souls (and are thus eternal) are 1) God, 2) Angels, 3) Demons (who started out as angels), and 4) human beings. All other creatures, be they cattle, dogs, cats, or dinosaurs have souls (the part of them that animates their bodies), but they are not spiritual: thus their soul dies when their body dies. So, no, no animals, which includes dinosaurs, are in heaven that we know of.

Why was heaven and hell not found in the geography book?

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Asked by Wiki User

Heaven and hell are concepts that are rooted in religious beliefs and spirituality rather than physical locations that can be found on a map. As such, they are not included in geography books which focus on the physical features of the Earth and its landscapes.

Why does the poet fell that heaven and hell are not real places?

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Asked by Wiki User

The poet may feel that heaven and hell are not real places because they are abstract concepts that represent states of being rather than physical locations. For the poet, heaven and hell might be symbolic of human experiences or emotions rather than actual destinations. Additionally, the poet's perspective may be shaped by their beliefs or understanding of the world as opposed to literal interpretations of religious teachings.

What is Philip Pullman's view on Heaven and Hell?

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Philip Pullman, author of the "His Dark Materials" series, has expressed critical views on organized religion, particularly the concept of Heaven and Hell. He views them as oppressive institutions that restrict individual freedom and autonomy. In his books, he explores themes of personal agency, questioning authority, and the power of knowledge and self-discovery.

When was Merrily We Go to Hell created?

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Asked by Wiki User

"Merrily We Go to Hell" is a black and white American pre-Code comedy film made in 1932. The film was directed by Dorothy Arzner and starred Sylvia Sidney and Fredric March.

Does hell exsist?

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Asked by Wiki User

Belief in the existence of hell varies among different religions and belief systems. Some religions like Christianity and Islam teach that hell is a place of punishment for sinners, while others do not have a concept of hell. Ultimately, the existence of hell is a matter of faith and personal belief.

How did the poet feel about heaven and hell in his childhood?

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Asked by Wiki User

The poet felt a strong fear and sense of awe towards heaven and hell in his childhood. These concepts held great significance to him, influencing his beliefs and worldview as he navigated the complexities of faith and spirituality.

Is heaven an onomatopoeia?

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Asked by Wiki User

I guess it would depend on your beliefs. My personal belief is that heaven is a real place, actual real estate, where one day I will live. For people of little faith it may seem like an onomatopoeia.

Why does hell exist?

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Asked by Wiki User

Hell is often depicted as a place of punishment or torment in various religious beliefs. It serves as a deterrent for individuals to lead moral and righteous lives, based on the consequences they may face after death. Different religions have varying interpretations of hell and its purpose in the afterlife.

How can you experience heaven hell and purgatory?

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Asked by Wiki User

Heaven, hell, and purgatory are concepts rooted in different religious beliefs. In Christianity, individuals experience these states in an afterlife based on their beliefs and actions in their earthly life. To experience heaven, one typically seeks union with God and lives a life according to their faith. Hell is seen as a place of punishment for those who have rejected God or committed grave sins. Purgatory is a temporary state where souls are purified before entering heaven.

Where is the Settings of the story the smith who could not go to hell?

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Asked by Wiki User

The story "The Smith Who Could Not Go to Hell" is set in Norway, specifically in a small village surrounding a church. The village is described as being isolated and remote, with a bleak and desolate landscape. The church and its graveyard play a central role in the story's setting.

Can goats go to heaven?

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Asked by Wiki User

The concept of animals going to heaven is not addressed in most traditional religious beliefs. However, some people believe that all living beings have a spiritual essence and may find comfort in the idea that animals could have a place in the afterlife.

Why didn't Faust go to hell?

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In Goethe's version of the Faust legend, Faust is ultimately redeemed because of his pursuit of knowledge, his striving for betterment, and his ability to love and show compassion. Through his actions and inner transformation, Faust finds salvation and is not condemned to hell.

Did Jesus talk more about heaven or hell?

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Asked by Wiki User

Jesus spoke more about heaven than hell in the Bible. He taught about the kingdom of God, eternal life, and the importance of our relationship with God. While he did also mention the concept of hell, his primary focus was on the love and salvation offered by God.

Is Heaven Gold?

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Asked by AndreCarsonfb3807

The concept of Heaven being made of gold is found in some religious texts and teachings, where gold is often used symbolically to represent purity, beauty, and richness. However, whether Heaven is actually made of gold is ultimately a matter of personal belief and interpretation.

What are the 7 levels of heaven in jainism?

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In Jainism, there are seven levels of heavens called the upper worlds or Lokas. These include Bhavanapati Loka, Vyantar Loka, Jyotishka Loka, Sukhama Loka, Mahasukhama Loka, and the highest level, Aloka Loka. Each level represents a higher state of purity and spirituality, with the ultimate goal of achieving liberation from the cycle of rebirth.