


Notable scientists in the field of zoology include Jacques Cousteau, Jane Goodall, and Steve Irwin

814 Questions

What was Charles Dubois famous for?

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Charles Dubois was a French naturalist best known for his work on the classification of plants. He is credited with developing a system for organizing plants based on their physical characteristics. Dubois's classification system was an important contribution to the field of botany.

What animal is more intresting?

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Each animal is unique and interesting in its own way. It ultimately depends on personal preferences and what aspects of animals you find intriguing.

Is blood a veg or non veg?

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Blood is not categorized as vegetarian as it is an animal product. It is not typically consumed by those following a vegetarian or vegan diet.

How much do climotoligists get paid?

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The salary of climatologists can vary depending on factors like experience, education, location, and type of employer. On average, climatologists in the United States earn around $80,000 to $100,000 per year. However, salaries can range from $50,000 to over $130,000.

Is an echidna an invertebrate?

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No, an echidna is not an invertebrate. Echidnas are mammals, specifically monotremes, which are a group of mammals that lay eggs.

Which animal will not see the sky for its whole lifetime?

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Mole rats spend their entire lives underground in burrows and tunnels, so they do not see the sky throughout their lifetime.

What happens after the production of ascospores in asci?

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After the production of ascospores in asci, the ascospores are released into the environment when the ascus ruptures. The ascospores can then be dispersed by wind, rain, or other means to colonize new areas and continue the life cycle of the fungus.

Do animal cells have a nucleus that controls all of the cells actions?

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Yes, animal cells have a nucleus that contains genetic material (DNA) and acts as the control center of the cell. The nucleus regulates the cell's activities, including growth, metabolism, and reproduction.

What is a cindoblast?

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There is no widely-known concept or term called "cindoblast." It is possible that it is a niche or specialized term used in a specific context or field that is not commonly recognized. More information would be needed to provide a more accurate answer.

How do you respond to how much do you want to get paid?

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I am not programmed to receive payment. My purpose is to assist and provide information to the best of my abilities.

What is Q10 value?

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The Q10 value is a measure of how much a biological or chemical process increases for every 10-degree Celsius rise in temperature. It is commonly used to describe the temperature sensitivity of biological processes.

How long can a hagfish go without eating?

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Hagfish can go several months without eating, depending on their size and environmental conditions. They have a slow metabolism and are able to survive on very little food due to their ability to scavenge for nutrients in their environment.

What is the cell size during mitosis?

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During mitosis, cells are typically smaller in size compared to interphase due to the condensation of genetic material into distinct chromosomes. As the chromosomes become more compact, the cell size decreases to facilitate the orderly segregation of genetic material into the daughter cells.

What does python regius mean?

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Python regius is the scientific name for the ball python, a nonvenomous snake species native to Africa. They are known for their docile nature, modest size, and distinctive coloration patterns that vary among individuals. Ball pythons are popular in the pet trade due to their manageable size and gentle demeanor.

How much cabincrew get paided?

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Cabin crew salaries can vary depending on the airline, country, and experience level. On average, cabin crew members can earn between $20,000 to $50,000 per year. In addition to base salary, they may also receive benefits such as flight allowances and healthcare.

What adaptations would you expect to find in an animal which eats grass?

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An animal that eats grass may have adaptations such as flat grinding teeth for chewing tough grasses, a large digestive system for breaking down cellulose, and a fermentation chamber to aid in digestion. They may also have a multi-chambered stomach or specialized enzymes to extract nutrients from plant material.

What dian fossey's childhood like?

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Dian Fosseys childhood was marked by a strong connection to nature and wildlife. Born in San Francisco in 1932 her family moved to the rural countryside of the Pacific Northwest when she was 6 years old. She spent her childhood immersed in nature exploring the outdoors and caring for animals. This included tending to a menagerie of pets including:

  • A horse named Lady
  • A goat named Kidsie
  • A raccoon named Whiskey
  • A skunk named Putter
  • A crow named Pete
  • A raven named Whisky Jack

In addition to her love of animals Fossey was an avid reader and especially enjoyed books about nature. She also wrote stories and poetry and was a talented artist specializing in drawing animals. Her deep connection to the natural world stayed with her throughout her life and eventually led her to pursue a career studying gorillas in the wild.

What is a zoologist dresscode?

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There is no specific dress code for zoologists, as it varies depending on the specific job requirements. Typically, zoologists wear comfortable, practical clothing suitable for outdoor fieldwork, such as hiking boots, cargo pants, and weather-appropriate tops. In some cases, they may need to wear protective gear like gloves or lab coats when working with animals or conducting experiments.

Microevolution can occur when some individuals in a population survive and reproduce more often in a new environment?

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Yes, that's correct. Microevolution involves changes in the gene frequencies of a population over time due to factors like natural selection, genetic drift, and gene flow. When individuals with certain traits are better suited to a new environment, they are more likely to survive and pass on those traits to their offspring, leading to changes in the population's genetic makeup.

How long can a hagfish survive without eating?

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A hagfish can survive for several months without eating, as they have a slow metabolism and can go extended periods of time between meals. However, this can vary depending on the individual hagfish's size, health, and environmental conditions.

How long to become zoologist?

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Becoming a zoologist typically requires a bachelor's degree in zoology or a related field, which takes about 4 years to complete. Some positions may require a master's degree or PhD, adding another 2-8 years of study. Overall, it can take anywhere from 4 to 12 years to become a zoologist, depending on your educational path and career goals.

Base of the ocean food chain?

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Phytoplankton, which are microscopic floating plants, form the base of the ocean food chain. They convert sunlight into energy through photosynthesis, providing food for many marine organisms including zooplankton, small fish, and other marine animals.

When do zoologists retire?

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Zoologists typically retire in their late 60s or early 70s, depending on their career and personal circumstances. Many choose to continue working part-time or in consulting roles after retirement.

Why did Goodall become zoologist?

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Goodall became a zoologist because of her passion for animals, particularly chimpanzees. She was inspired by reading books about animals and decided to pursue studying them in their natural habitats. This ultimately led her to make groundbreaking discoveries in the field of primatology.

Why does zoologist interest you?

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Zoology interests me because it allows me to study and understand the behavior, physiology, and diversity of animals. I am fascinated by the interconnectedness of different species and their environments, and I enjoy learning about the evolutionary adaptations that have shaped the animal kingdom.