

Do all atoms weight the same?

Updated: 9/21/2023
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12y ago

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No, some are heavier then others

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Q: Do all atoms weight the same?
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What is difference beteeen mass and volume?

Mass is volume multiplied by the density. Volume is the amount of physical space an item takes up. The mass is the amount of atoms that are packed into that space. NOTE: Mass is NOT the same a weight. Weight changes based on gravity. Without taking atoms off/out or adding them in to the same space mass will never change.

Does the density of liquid affect it's weight?

Density and weight-(or mass) are two completely different things, density is howclose the atoms or molecules are packed together, the object still has the same masssince the number of atoms present is the same, but the volume the atoms take up inspace can vary. so no, density doesnt effect the weight of a liquid since theprinicples above explain.============================Answer #2:Of course it does! When you have equal volumes of two substances,the sample of the substance with the greater density weighs more.

What was John Dalton's major contributions to the atomic theory?

He said that atoms can not be divided; in one matter all the atoms are of same kind,same mass and same type. He also said that different matters have different kinds of atoms. He furthermore said that atoms from different matters meet together at a particular rate and make molecules.

What kind if particles make up elements?

Atoms of the same kind. To be more precise, all atoms in an element have the same number of protons (but not necessarily the same number of neutrons - do some reading on "isotopes" for more details).

What did Thomson prove with this experiment?

all atoms contain the same particle that produces the ray.

Related questions

Is the molecular weight the same as its atomic weight?

The molecular weight is the sum of the atomic weights of all the atoms contained in the molecule.

Do all elements have the same atomic weight?

No they are all different and even some atoms of the same element have different weights

Are all atoms the same?

Isotopes are atoms of the same element with varying number of neutrons. Thus, not all atoms are the same.

In a sample of pure copper all atoms have the same what?

All atoms have atomic numbers which are the same and the atoms have the same number of electrons.

Do atoms having the same atomic weight interact the same way chemically?

Not necessarily; the characteristic stated in the question is valid for atoms of equal atomic number, not atomic weight.

Why do all atoms have the same number of protons?

All atoms don't have the same number of Protons.

Do all of the atoms of the same element have the same number of neutrons?

Yes, all atoms of the same element have the same number of neutrons.

Are the atoms the same or different in hydrogen?

All hydrogen atoms are the same but they are different from the atoms of other elements.

Are all atoms of elements the same?

No. Generally definition of an element refer to a group of atoms that have same number of protons and share same chemical properties and called isotopes of an element. Though weight of isotopes can differ representing difference in neutron number.

How are all atoms similar?

all atoms of the same kind of matter have the same number of protons in them. 🙈

Dentification: Atoms of the same element but with various atomic weight?


All the atoms in every element?

neutral, with the number of protons equaling the number of electrons.