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Yes, all languages have slang words. Slang is a part of language evolution and cultural expression. It is a way for speakers to communicate informally and creatively, often using words and phrases that are not part of the standard vocabulary.

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Q: Do all languages have slang words?
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Do languages change?

Of course they do! Many words that start out as slang becomes words and lots of words grow out of use. For example: "scientist" used to be slang For example: "thou" and "art" are no longer used in modern english

What word is the same in all languages?

There is no one word that is exactly the same in every world language. However, there are a great number of words that are similar in many languages. Banana is an example of a word that is largely the same in many, many languages. (Pineapple is ananas in many languages, but not all). Additionally many slang words are the same in all languages, such as OK, cool and some others. Many new words that are related to science and technology are also very similar in all languages, such as: computer, disc, etc.

How many different slang words are there?

It is difficult to provide an exact number as slang is constantly evolving and varies by region and culture. There are tens of thousands of slang words in use globally across various languages and dialects.

All spoken languages have what common characteristics?

All spoken languages use sounds, words, and grammar rules to convey meaning. They also have vocabulary to represent concepts, and they are used as a means of communication among people.

What kind of language are you using if you use slang?

You use the same language. Languages change all the time, and slang is a very important reason for that.

What is the origin for Hebrew slang?

Hebrew is a living language being spoken by over 6 million Jews in Israel. As such it mimics all other live languages; new words being considered slang until they become mainstream or are forgotten. Hebrew slang mainly comes from Yiddish, Arabic and English.

How many words start with J?

This is a tricky question. You have to be more specific really. What language? All languages? Only words in the dictionary? Slang words? Words which have/haven't been given an official meaning? Sorry I haven't really answered your question just asked more...

How did languages evolve from each other?

well, all languages have slang words. So, if you keep two groups of people apart that originally spoke the same language for 500 years or so, they'll have a lot of different words. If you kept them apart for thousands of years, they might have an entirely different language. Still, some languages are similar to each other, like how a lot of Spanish words are like English words and are almost the same, such as traditionale and traditional.

Why does English so many negative word than other language?

While there are many negative or bad words in the English language there are also negative words in many other languages. The English language may however, have more slang words than other languages.

What are the words derived from European languages?

Pretty much all of the words in the English language were derived from European languages.

What words do all languages have in common?


What is the difference between slang and pretentious words?

Slang words are words that are not in the dictionary.