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Runny depends on the viscosity of a fluid. if the viscosity is high( mayonaise) the fluid will not run as good as a fluid with low viscosity (water, honey)

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Q: Do all liquids flow very easily?
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Why aren't all liquids considered fluid?

All liquids are not fluids because fluids are those ones which can flow easily and smoothely but honey is an e.g. of liquids which cant flow and hence is not a fluid.

Can liquids be compress easily?

No, you can't compress liquids easily. You can compress them a little bit, but thats all.

Why can liquids easily take the shape of container but not solids?

Liquids flow into all the nooks and crannies of a container because the particles are free to move around. The particles in a solid are fixed in place relative to one another and are held there by strong forces of attraction.

What describes all liquids a they flow b they are white c they are sticky d they taste good?

A: They flow.

Why liquidgas or plasma considered fluids?

Fluids are substances that flow. Liquids flow, gases flow, and ionized gases (plasmas) flow. Thus, they are all fluids.

Can liquids flow and why?

All the states of matter possess two things: kinetic energy and force of attraction. This is experienced between their molecules. Liquids possess high kinetic energy which enables them to flow, while the force attraction between their molecules is weak so their molecules are free to move which enable liquids to flow. ----- Edit ----- Yes, liquids can flow because they don't have strong intermolecular bonds.

What liquids have a high viscosity?

Liquids with high viscosity flow slowly, like honey. Liquids with low viscosity flow quickly, like water and vinegar.

Which solids are have fixed shape and volume and they cannot flow?

The very definition of a solid is a substance that has a fixed volume and shape, all solids fall into this category. Sand particles may be able to flow, but each granule itself is solid and won't be able to flow unless it becomes a liquid.

The viscosities of several liquids are being compared All the liquids are poured down a slope with equal path lengths The liquid with the highest viscosity will?

...will flow slowest.

Is the following sentence true or false charges flow easily through every material?

If we're talking about electrical current, then the answer is "false," because an electrical charge will flow very easily through some material, not that easily through some materials, and not at all through other materials. Usually electrical current will flow well through most metals. This is why copper wire is used to carry electricity, because copper allows electricity to flow with little resistance. If EVERY material in the world let electricity flow through it, we would be getting shocked all the time. Plastic and rubber, for instance, are very very resistant to electrical charges. If plastic and rubber allowed electricity to pass in them as easily as copper, you'd get an incredible shock every time you tried to touch your computer, put your finger on a light switch or answered your phone!

What is a substance that has a high viscosity?

High viscosity is relative. All things that have flow exhibit viscosity or resistance to flow including gasses and liquids and even some things we consider solid. So, water has a very high viscosity compared to air. Molasses is high compared to water and glass is very very high compared to pretty much anything. There is a pretty good explanation of the math/science in the related link below.

What are the characteristics all liquids share?

Liquids all have their particles slightly apart, meaning they can flow but are still fixed together and cannot move too freely. When they turn into a solid it is called freezing, and when they turn into a gas it is called evaporating. The only liquids at standard temperature and pressure are mercury and bromine.