

Do all objects have a charge?

Updated: 9/21/2023
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Q: Do all objects have a charge?
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Do all objects have charge?

yes all objects have is just balanced.

When 2 objects have the same charge do they attract each other?

When two objects have the same electrical charge, they repel each other.

How does the movement of charge affect the overall charge on objects?

It affects it by adding diversity to the objects nucleus and outer shell. It also produces a negative charge which focuses primarily on the teflon don.

How does the movement of charge affect the overall charge of objects?

It affects it by adding diversity to the objects nucleus and outer shell. It also produces a negative charge which focuses primarily on the Teflon don.

Does any object have electrical charge?

Yes, some objects have an electrical charge.

How do you know which objects get positively charged and which objects get negatively charged?

For this we take a test charge which is a unit positive charge. Now, we take charge to be tested and bring test charge near to it. If both the charges repel the charge taken is positive and it they attract then the charge taken is negetive.

How do objects charge by contact?

Objects become charged when electrons move from object to another

Objects that let electrical charge move through them are called?

Good conductors of electricity. Examples all metals and their alloys.

What caused the amber to repel other objects when not rubbed?

Not all objects became electrified, objects "electrified" by the same machine appeared to repel each other (like magnets of the same charge); and objects "electrified" in different ways (one by touching an electric machine, for example, and the other, say, by rubbing amber) would attract each other (like magnets of opposite charge).

What caused amber to repel other objects when not rubbed?

Not all objects became electrified, objects "electrified" by the same machine appeared to repel each other (like magnets of the same charge); and objects "electrified" in different ways (one by touching an electric machine, for example, and the other, say, by rubbing amber) would attract each other (like magnets of opposite charge).

What happens if two objects have the same charge?

they repel

What happens when objects have the same charge?

the object will repel.