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It depends on the type of melanoma. If treated early it can be cured by surgery.

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Q: Do all people die from melanoma?
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Is melanoma always caused by sun exposure?

No. Melanoma can occur in people who have always avoided excessive sun exposure, just as lung cancer can occur in people who have never smoked, and never lived with a smoker. But the rate of melanoma is much higher in people who have been "sun worshipers" all their lives.

How did Rachmaninoff die?

He had a skin cancer. AKA melanoma.

Can you die from Melanoma?

You can die if the cancer spreads to a vital organ and cannot be treated.

How many people does melanoma kill a year?

The annual mortality rate for melanoma is 7,215 individuals.

Can dark skinned people still get melanoma?

Yes, though it is uncommon, dark skinned people still have a small chance at developing melanoma.

How do people get melanoma?

Melanoma is usually caused by exposure to sun light. Please use sunscreen every day, no matter the weather.

How many people died of Melanoma in 2000-2008?


What would happen if melanoma went untreated?

They would soon become can die

When did Bart Roen die?

Bart Roen died in 7 January 2007 of melanoma.

When did Patience Jarvis die?

Patience Jarvis died in 20 April 1993 of melanoma.

How does melanoma occur?

UVA rays penetrate the skin more deeply and can cause melanoma in susceptible people. UVB rays, which don't penetrate as deeply, cause sunburn and wrinkling.

When did Richard Shorr die?

Richard Shorr died on August 13, 2001, in Paris, France of melanoma.