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yeah corse....!!

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3mo ago

Yes, all plants undergo transpiration as it is a natural process where water is released through their leaves. Transpiration helps plants regulate their temperature, distribute water and nutrients, and maintain cell turgor pressure.

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Q: Do all plants go through transpiration?
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When does plants transpire the most?

Plants typically transpire the most during warm, sunny days when the stomata are open to facilitate photosynthesis. Transpiration rates also increase in low humidity conditions, as the plant tries to draw in more water through its roots to make up for the loss through transpiration.

What is is called when plants give off vapor?

Plants giving off vapor is called transpiration. This process involves the movement of water through the plant and its subsequent release into the atmosphere through small openings in the leaves called stomata.

Why are stomata important to a plant?

Stomata are very important to photosynthesis. The stomata are where the leaf and its surrounding atmosphere exchange gases and water. The stomata take in carbon dioxide to be used in the Calvin Cycle. There's more but i just started learning this in class. Sorry =P

What will happen if there are too many stomata on the top of the leaf?

If there are too many stomata on the top of the leaf, it can lead to excessive water loss through transpiration and make the leaf more prone to dehydration. This can affect the overall health of the plant and its ability to photosynthesize efficiently.

What is the difference between sweating and transpiration?

Sweating is the process by which sweat glands in the skin release liquid onto the surface of the skin in response to heat or exercise, to cool the body. Transpiration is the process by which plants release water vapor from their leaves into the atmosphere as part of their natural biological functions.

Related questions

Do leaves have jelly?

Sometimes, plants can let water go through their leaves by a process called TRANSPIRATION.

Why Do Living Plants Give Off Moisture?

they give off moisture because tehy go through a method called transpiration.

When does plants transpire the most?

Plants typically transpire the most during warm, sunny days when the stomata are open to facilitate photosynthesis. Transpiration rates also increase in low humidity conditions, as the plant tries to draw in more water through its roots to make up for the loss through transpiration.

What is is called when plants give off vapor?

Plants giving off vapor is called transpiration. This process involves the movement of water through the plant and its subsequent release into the atmosphere through small openings in the leaves called stomata.

What does a plant do for the water cycle?

Plants go through an unseen process called transpiration. They absorb ground water with their stems and return it into the environment through their leaves. - Suzanne B. Concord, TX

Where does water go in photosynthesis?

It is used up in the process or evaporated in transpiration which is evaporation from plants

Do any animals sweat?

Well dogs lose their sweat by panting but also cats and dogs sweat under the pad of the paws which is called sweat glands. And pigs lose their sweat by Rowling in mud. Well many hoofed animals sweat like horses sweat through the pores of their skin like us humans.

Do plants go through metamorphosis?

No, plants do not go through metamorphosis.

How can transpiration be prevented?

Transpiration cannot be completely prevented, as it is a natural process by which plants release water vapor. However, reducing environmental stressors like high temperatures and low humidity, providing adequate water and nutrients to plants, and avoiding over-pruning can help minimize excessive transpiration. Additionally, using mulch around plants can help retain soil moisture and reduce transpiration.

What is transpiration from the water cycle?

Transpiration is the process by which plants absorb water through their roots and release water vapor through their leaves into the atmosphere. It is a crucial component of the water cycle as it leads to the movement of water through the plant and ultimately into the atmosphere, where it can contribute to cloud formation and precipitation.

Do aquatic plants go through photosynthesis?

All plants photosythesize. Even if they are not green or live underwater.

What indoor plants do not need sunlight?

All plants need sunlight so they can go through photosynthesis.