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Q: Do all primates have large brains?
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How are different parts of the human brain similar to and different from the brains of other primates?

"How are different parts of the human brain similar to and different from the brains of other primates?"

Are all primates mamels?

Yes, unless by 'primates' you actually mean something that isn't a primate. Primates care for their young, give milk, have advanced brains and sensory organs, and have hair so yes they are mammals, as are humans.

Do primates have small brains?

no they don't. there brain is as big as ours:)

Does monkey have two brains?

No. A monkey does not have two brains, only one as in apes and primates. No extant mammal has two true brains.

Why are all primates mammals?

If you mean "Are all mammals primates?" then the answer is no. Primates are a type of mammal. All primates are mammals. Not all mammals are primates. For example, cats, dogs, bears, rodents... these are all mammals, but not primates.

What characteristic do all primates have in common?

Stereoscopic color vision, nails instead of claws on the digits, tactile pads on the hands, reduced sense of smell, orbital enclosure, reduced number of teeth compared to other mammals, and a relatively large brain to body ratio just to name a few.

What is the difference between primates and chimpanzees?

All chimpanzees are primates but not all primates are chimpanzees. Humans, for instance, are primates.

What is the difference between primates and non-primates?

Primates are characterised by large brains relative to other mammals. Their eyes face forward, giving them stereoscopic vision and vision is the sense they rely on most rather than smell like other mammals. Most primates with a few exceptions have opposable thumbs and have developed adaptations to climb trees. Primate babies take a long time to mature because of their brain size, relative to non-primates. Non-human primates have oestrus cycles and many species display swellings during their fertile period.

Are dolphin brains large?

no they are extremly smart but their brains are about the size of a peanut

What is another word for large ape?

they are primates

Do primates have thumbs?

yes, all and only primates primates have thumbs

What characteristics do all primates share?

all primates have thumbs