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Uh no....depends on if the want to and usually, with age, that happens anyways.

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Q: Do all retired athletes grow beards?
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All human men grow beards.

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Yes all do, once they hit puberty -A**

Do all pharaohs have beards?

no they do not have beards.

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All men will grow beards and all women will wear burqas

In July of 2001 what do the Taliban declare against Islamic law?

all men will grow beards and all girls will not go to school

In July 2001 what do the taliban declare against Islamic law?

all men will grow beards and all girls will not go to school

Who was the only Beatle who couldn't grow a beard?

they all could grow beards, they all had one in late 1968 early 69. And they all usually had a moustache one time or another later in the sixties.

Did ancient Romans grow beards in times of mourning?

Yes, according to Harper's Dictionary of Classical Literature and Antiquities. Before 300 B.C., all Romans (who could grow them) had beards; it was after a barber came up from Sicily that they started to regularly shave. Short, ornamental beards became somewhat common, but unkempt beards became an indicator of "slovenliness and squalor." Exceptions were made, though, for men in mourning. Notably, Augustus grew a beard when mourning the death of Julius Caesar.

Can you give examples of sports oratorical speech?

i would defenetly have to say that dogs can grow beards all over and dont drink and dance

Should athelete receive free chiropratic care after retirement?

This is a difficult question, as there is no such thing as free stuff. Someone always has to pay! - Are you asking if the government should use our tax dollars to pay for retired athletes chiropractic care? - Are you asking if chiropractors should donate their time to treat retired athletes? - Are you asking if insurance companies should pay for chiropractic care for retired athletes (right now most insurance companies already pay for chiropractic care for athletes and non-athletes). In all three of these cases, someone still has to "pay", so its never "free". The question becomes, who should pay? Chiropractors? Athletes? The public (via taxes)? Insurance companies?

How can you get a girl to really like you?

You shouldprobably get a tattoo, or grow a beard. Or grow some balls and ask her out. girls like confidence, and beards above all. The more confident they are the more confident you need to be.

Did pharaohs have false beards?

Yes, All of them.