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No, sound waves can carry different amounts of energy depending on factors such as amplitude and frequency. Higher amplitude and frequency sound waves typically have more energy than lower amplitude and frequency sound waves.

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What do mechanical waves carry?

Mechanical waves carry energy and momentum through a medium by causing particles in the medium to oscillate. Examples of mechanical waves include sound waves, water waves, and seismic waves.

Do light waves carry electrical and magnetic energy and does sound?

Light waves carry both electrical and magnetic energy, as they are electromagnetic waves. Sound waves do not carry electrical or magnetic energy; instead, they are mechanical waves that propagate through a medium, typically air.

What do different waves carry carry from one place to another?

Different waves can carry energy or information from one place to another. For instance, electromagnetic waves like light carry energy, while sound waves carry vibrations that our ears perceive as sound. Water waves transfer energy through the water, such as in ocean waves.

What distinguishes a loud sound from a soft whisper?

What differentiates the two is the amount of energy transferred in the sound. This energy is measured in the log unit "decibels." The compression waves from the loud sound carry more energy.

How does sound get from its source to you?

Waves carry sound energy from the bell to the ear.

Do sound waves carry electrical and magnetic energy?

No, sound waves do not carry electrical or magnetic energy. Sound waves are vibrations of particles in a medium, such as air, that propagate as mechanical waves through that medium. They do not involve the movement of electric charges or magnetic fields.

What kind of waves use matter to carry energy?


Why cant sound waves travel through a vaccuum?

No medium to carry the sound energy.

Do wave carry matter and energy?

it is energy

What role does energy play in sound?

Energy is essential for sound production and propagation. When an object vibrates, it creates sound waves which carry energy. The amplitude of the sound wave corresponds to the energy of the vibrations produced by the object. The energy of sound waves determines their loudness and intensity.

Can waves carry energy?

Yes, waves can carry energy through a medium or through space. This energy is transferred as the wave propagates, causing vibrations or disturbances in the medium. Examples include electromagnetic waves, sound waves, and water waves.

What sound waves do?

Sound waves carry sound