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Q: Do all substances warm up at the same rate?
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No, they dont fade at the same rate.

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Do all calories burn at the same rate?

Calories are calories, no difference between then - they all burn at the same rate.

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All else being equal, for the same material, the more dense it is (i.e. the less air it contains) the slower it will burn.There is no overall general rule relating density of different substances and their burn rate.

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they have the elements and they are in the same substances

Are all substances that look the same the same?

No, they are not.For example: table salt and table sugar.(household sugar and salt); salt is sodium chloride(NaCl), and sugar is sucrose(C12H22O2). Therefore no not all substances that look the same are the same.

Does the warm temperature affect the bounce of a ball?

Yes. 'Warm' increases the elasticity. Cold decreases the elasticity. Extreme cold can make the substances brittle and not bounce at all.

Do all substances catch fire on same temperature. Give reasons?

All substances does not Catch fire at the same temperature. More volatile substances -like solvents - Catch fire at a lot lower temperatures than more stable substance.