

Best Answer

no. example: Pluto sometimes crosses orbits of other planets and asteroids that arent in the asteroid belt dont.


YES. The solar system consists of all objects orbiting around the sun. All of them move in elliptical (or ovalish) shaped orbits. This is a basic fact of astronomy. The first answer is totally ridiculous.

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Q: Do all the objects in the solar system travel around the sun in elliptical orbits?
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Comets in the solar system follow elliptical orbits around the Sun.

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Kepler discovered the orbits of the solar system are elliptical.

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The solar system is made up of many plants, dwarf planets, meteorites and asteroids. Asteroids are the celestial objects composed of ice, gases and rocks that orbit the galaxy.

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If the objects are in orbit around the sun then they are in the Solar System.

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It has been suggested that comets originate in the Oort cloud and then travel in long elliptical orbits around the Sun.

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Mercury has an elliptical orbit, it is also one of the most eccentric orbits of our solar system.

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Comets. Periodic comets have highly eccentric elliptical orbits, with eccentricities.

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Long-period comets such as Halley's Comet have elliptical orbits that stretch billions of miles out of the solar system and back again. Other comets have hyperbolic orbits that bring them close once but never again, or at least not for many millions of years.

Which contribution did Kepler make to your view of the solar system?

He provedthat planets moved in elliptical orbits.