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Q: Do all waves carry energy but not matter?
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What do waves carry that is common to all waves?

All waves carry energy.

What are two types of waves that carry energy?

As far as I know, ALL waves carry energy.As far as I know, ALL waves carry energy.As far as I know, ALL waves carry energy.As far as I know, ALL waves carry energy.

What are 2 waves of energy?

As far as I know, all waves carry energy.

What do mechanical waves carry?

Mostly energy, but they also carry a small amount of momentum and, in some cases, angular momentum.

What waves require matter to carry energy?

All waves except electromagnetic waves and gravitational waves (predicted by General Relativity, but not yet detected).Some examples are:sound waveswater wavesearthquake wavesetc.

Wave that do not require matter to carry energy?

Most waves all require something with mass to be transmitted. However, electromagnetic waves carry energy in the form of photons, which are massless. Since photons are massless, they are not considered matter, but they do indeed carry energy. (This is why something feels warmer when the sun shines on it.) Electromagnetic waves range anywhere from radio waves, microwaves, and the common visible light waves, to x rays, and gamma rays.

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How are waves and matter related?

All waves have energy, and therefore mass. All particles have a corresponding wave.

Do all sound waves carry the same amount of energy?


Do all EM waves transfer matter from place to place?

False. EM Waves do not transfer matter, they transfer energy.

Do all waves transmit energy not matter true or false?


Which waves transmit energy and not matter?

Please note that any energy has a mass equivalent (calculated as E / m squared).Other than that, that's basically what all waves do - electromagnetic waves, gravity waves, sound waves, waves on a water surface, and others. The matter doesn't go from one place to another, only the energy gets transmitted.