

Do alligators really swallow stones to dive deeper?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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11y ago

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Yes they do

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Q: Do alligators really swallow stones to dive deeper?
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What do crocodiles swallow to dive deeper?

Crocodile's swallow stones so they can dive deeper. They can hold there breath for up to 1 hour depending on how old they are.

What do crocodiles swallow so they can dive deeper?

They swallow stones that aid digestion and help them swim, since they naturally float.

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they swallow more stones

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Many birds, including chickens, have a gizzard, and swallow small stones to help them grind up food. Crocodilians also use stones to aide in digestion.

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no if you eat them you will die right after.

When crocodiles swallow stones how do they get them out?

As the gizzard stones wear down they become small enough to pass out of the gizzard and will pass harmlessly out.

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Ostrich's eat stones to help them digest food. They have about two pounds of stones in their throat to use to break up their food since they have no teeth.

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Go into the mines and the deeper floors have ores in the stones. The deeper the floor, the more rare the ore.

Do crocodiles eat stones to dive under water?

No. But crocs (like some birds) may swallow a few stones to help with breaking down the food into digestible pieces.. Crocs can't chew their food, they only rip lumps off and swallow.

What animal ate stones because it did not chew well?

Alligators, Crocodiles and some sharks do this Ostriches do this as well, because it helps with their digestion.

Is an example of a gemstone?

A gemstone can be a variety of different stones. Rubies, emeralds, are considered gemstones. The colors of the stones can determine how valuable the stone is. The deeper the natural color the better the stone.

Where is hades in poptropica but how do you get to the end of the river?

Hades is in the underworld and you duck from the stones falling, jump from the alligators trying to bite you, and you duck from the bats flying at you.