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Q: Do amphibians have a full rib-cage?
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Do ferrets have a ribcage?

Ferrets do have a ribcage

What is an open and closed ribcage?

that means your ribcage is open and is showing

If your bra size is a 36C does that mean you're full chested?

No. It means you have a ribcage that measures 36 inches (no adding numbers), and a bust that measures 39 inches, as a C cup only means there is a 3 inch difference between the ribcage and the bust. Each breast would only have about an extra 1.5 inches of projection compared to the ribcage. A 36C would be someone with a wide ribcage, or overweight (depending on the person's body frame), with proportionally small breasts.

Is a long bone the ribcage?

The ribcage doesn't include any long bones.

What organs protect the rib cage?

Well, to answer the question directly, skin protects the ribcage. If the question reversed (what organs does the ribcage protect?), then my answer would be that the ribcage primarily protects the heart and lungs, although it does protect the spleen and, to a lesser extent, the liver and stomach.

Scientific name for the ribcage?

The scientific name for the ribcage is thoracic cage, which includes the ribs, sternum, and thoracic vertebrae. It is a bony structure that protects the vital organs located in the chest cavity, such as the heart and lungs.

What part of the body is protected by the ribcage?

Your ribcage protects your heart, lungs, spleen, liver, and part of your intestines.

Who protect lungs?


What are your lung protected by?

Your ribcage.

The sterunm is part of the?


What do your ribcage protect?

Your Brain

What does the ribcage do for the lungs?

protects it