

Best Answer

Yes every fish but gold need a heater. Keep the temperature 76 to 80 degrees fahrenhei

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Q: Do angelfish and neons need a heater?
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Can you put neons with African Dwarf Frogs?

Yes as long as your tank is big enough for them and you have a filter and heater in it. Neons are schooling fish so you need at least three of them for them to be healthy. I believe that neons get to be two inches and the rule of thumb is one gallon for every inch of fish for tropical fish. Which means you would need at least a six gallon tank in order to have neons but a ten gallon tank is ideal.

What fish can you keep with angelfish and neon tetra?

angel fish can eat neon tetras is the simple answer, but i have angel fish and neon tetras in the same tank and the angel fish does not bother the neons, although this may be because the angel fish is not full grown yet so it is a 50% chance

Do neon tetras need a heated tank?

yes, neons are a tropical fish so they must have a heater. water temp should be around 68 to 79f, but somewhere in the middle is best I was thinking about 72f .

Do angelfish bite I want to put in a heater that sits in the water rather then up top?

No but they will nib on guppy tails

What abiotic needs do angelfish need?


Do angelfish eat neon fish?

Yes. Angelfish are generally peaceful fish. Given the space and diet requirements are met. Except when protecting young or around rival angelfish. (Though they can be kept in groups) Minor edit 3/3/2016: Though, let's not forget that angelfish are predators

What fish can live with a 4 inch angelfish?

Angelfish are compatible with:Other angelfishBarbsCory catfishDanios and minnowsGouramisLoachesMolliesPlatiesPlecosRainbowfishRasborasSharksSwordtailsTetrasThey can usually live with eels, crab and, shrimp but not always.The size of the Angelfish does not matter.

When angelfish lay eggs do they need to be fertilized?


Do guppies eat neons fish?

Guppies will eat neons tetra babies but are not large enough to eat fully grown neons.

What do you need to take care of an angelfish?

Good filtration system, a heater, balanced pH level of the water, and, of course, food. Also, don't put them in with fish which are prone to nipping at fins... trust me on this one. Black Ruby Barbs mixed in with a Betta and Angelfish.... not a good idea. Didn't kill any of the fish, but definitely trimmed their fins down.

What group does a angelfish belong?

Galaxy of starfish :D

Is an emperor angelfish an angelfish?

No it is not, as you can see, the queen angelfish is much more colourful. The angelfish is just black and white. Except for the male, it is colourful but not as colourful as the queen angelfish.