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Some angelfish do eat their own babies. Many do care and parent their young. The ones that eat them usually do it because of not knowing how to parent or getting bored with the babies. Many angelfish also eat the eggs that were not fertilized.

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Q: Do angelfish eat there babies after they hatch?
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Do angelfish protect their young a lot or a little?

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Can angelfish have babies?

Yes, Angelfish can have babies. Usually they lay their eggs on leaves on plants and guards them.

How many babies does an angelfish have?

there are a lot of different types of angelfish but the best are the cool beauty angelfish

What do it mean a angelfish reproduce?

It has babies.

What do angelfish in the ocean eat?

Angelfish eat other fish.

Do angelfish leave their babies after birth?

no they don't. but both of the parents will eat the guppies... keep guppies away from mom and dad!

What do Arabian angelfish eat?

Arabian Angelfish eat mostly meat.

What fish eat angelfish?

Bigger fish eat angelfish such as catfish.

Does angelfish eat guppy?

all larger angelfish eat guppys

What do WILD angelfish eat?

Angelfish eat algae, some coral, smaller fish, brine shrimp. Angelfish are omnivores.

How does an angelfish have babies?

30 babies or more but separate if u want to have more babies in 1o days