

Can animals produce oxygen

Updated: 8/9/2023
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11y ago

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No. Animals do not give plants oxygen. Plants release oxygen as a byproduct of the photosynthesis process by which they take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen. Animals and humans give plants carbon dioxide.

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12y ago
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11y ago

for me yes animals can produce oxygen because it is the part of a is in the part of a cycle without it the cycle would not be complete......

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animals need oxygen and plants produce oxygen. if there is no light for photosynthesis, then plants can not produce oxygen and animals cannot survive

How do plants and animals mantain the level of oxygen in the atmosphere?

Animals breathe in oxygen and let out carbon dioxide. Plants take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen.

Can animals produce oxygen gas?

No- they consume it.

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No. They breath in oxygen, like all animals.

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Cause they breath oxygen and don't produce oxygen.

Where does oxygen gas production will happen within me?

Nowhere, animals do not produce oxygen.

What gas do we get from trees?

Through photosynthesis, trees produce oxygen.

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Which animals breathe in oxygen and get rid of carbon dioxide?

All animals absorb oxygen and produce CO2 during respiration

Will we ever run out of oxygen?

It is unlikely the Earth will run out of oxygen as long as there is an adequate amount of plant life and animals. Animals produce oxygen from the CO2 animals emit and vice versa.

Why dont animals use up all the oxygen in the atmosphere?

Animals do not use up all the oxygen in the atmosphere because plants produce oxygen. When they breathe, plants inhale carbon dioxide (which is what animals breathe out) and exhale oxygen (which is what animals breathe in).

Why have plants allowed animals to flourish?

Plants produce both food and oxygen, which are needed by animals.