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Q: Do anticholinergics reduce sweating
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Reduce your spicy food intake.

Would sweating from sauna helps to reduce body odor?

Sweating from the sauna helps to reduce body oder by getting rid of the toxins in your body. The less toxins you have, the less body odor you will have.

What are anticholinergics?

Anticholinergics are a class of medications that inhibit parasympathetic nerve impulses by selectively blocking the binding of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine to its receptor in nerve cells.

How can you reduce your excessive sweating?

To reduce excessive sweating, you could try to wear looser clothing or maybe shorts and a tank top. You should also try to do less physical activity if you are trying not to sweat very much, the important thing is to stay hydrated.

What are the categories of anticholinergics?

Anticholinergics are divided into three categories in accordance with their specific targets in the central and/or peripheral nervous system : antimuscarinic agents, ganglionic blockers, and neuromuscular blockers.

What does diaphoretic mean?

Diaphoretic means causing or promoting sweating. It is often used to describe medications or substances that induce sweating as a way to reduce fever or expel toxins from the body.

true or false could anticholinergics prevent blood clotting?


What things can reduce sweating?

Well, there is a type of surgery that can block your glands to keep you from sweating, but one of the side effects is that if they put to much blocking material in your arm, you could not be able to move your arms for about 6 months.

I want to reduce my weight as well as abdomen fats?

If you want to reduce your weight as well as your abdominal fat it is a good idea to exercise. Sweating is another great way to lose weight.

How do a stop sweating when speaking in public?

To help reduce sweating when speaking in public, you can try wearing breathable clothing, using antiperspirant, practicing relaxation techniques to calm nerves, and staying hydrated. Additionally, you can focus on slow, deep breathing during your presentation to help manage anxiety and reduce sweating.