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Yes they can but it is more by luck rather than anything else. Often the problems are not of the colonies concern so individual are left to deal with the problem. These problems are often when an individual gets buried under a little bit of earth. Bigger problems however are overcome by most the colony such as their nest getting attacked or food shortages.

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10y ago

They work together to overcome problems

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12y ago

Yes and that's ehy they are efficient.

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Yes they do that's it by!

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Q: Do ants deal with problems alone?
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Do you some ants live alone?

No no nooooo

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im not sure if ants have feet, let alone toes

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Entomologists deal with the study of insects, and as that's such a huge area all of them specialize in specific groups, among which ants.

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What problems are they exactly??

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Ants don't like electricity, they like the small magnetic field electrical wires and outlets put out, if you're having problems with ants, could you tell me what kind of ants you have, or at least try to explain what they looklike?

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Its not up to you to deal with his past relationship problems. I am sure that you know that the past problems will come into the new relationship until he deals with his past problems. Don't wait for him to deal with them. You have your life to lead.

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Leave her alone

Will cascade kill ants?

Yes, Cascade alone will usually kill ants. However, for a better and more effective ant deterrent, try mixing Cascade with bleach.

How many ants are in the US?

There are about a dozen species that commonly are seen as pest problems in the home. There are many hundreds of species in the US, and therer are uncountable bazillions of individual ants. The most frequent invaders of homes are carpenter ants (about 6 types), odorous house ants, moisture ants, and fire ants. In the yard you will find all these plus thatching ants.

Can one flea survive alone?

Yes, if it has an animal to feed on. Fleas are not social like ants.