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Q: Do any Canadian provinces require a blood test for aids before marriage?
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What was the Canadian flag before?

The union jack on a sea of red, with the emblems of all the provinces.

Did carvin winans leave wife for Canadian lady?

no he did not...his marriage was long before he met his current wife!

Why does the Catholic Church require confirmation before marriage?

To show that you are a Catholic in good standing.

Does the Catholic Church require a member to have received the sacrament of confirmation before the sacrament of marriage?


Do any states require a blood test for aids before marriage?

Yes. Indiana is one.

Were the four provinces that joined the new dominion of Canada there before Canada?

Strictly speaking, no, the united Province of Canada was split to form the Canadian provinces of Ontario and Québec at confederation. However, the Province of Canada included the old Canada West and the old Canada East, which were to become the new provinces. Nova Scotia and New Brunswick were there before confederation.

Friendship before marriage?

Friendship before marriage is the courtship.

Can you get married 'tomorrow' in any US state?

Usually not, I believe most (all?) state require at least a 24 hour waiting period after the issuance of the marriage license before a legal marriage can be performed (even in Las Vegas).

Can you get marriage to Islam even im marriage in catholic before?

Both of you are to convert to a particular religion before arriving at marriage.

What is legal marriage age in Nigeria?

The legal marriage age in Nigeria, according to Nigeria's Marriage Act, Chapter 218 (Laws of the Federation of Nigeria 1990) is twenty one (21).Anyone under that age, by Nigeria laws is considered a minor and would require parental consent before legally entering into a marriage in Nigeria.

Is a marriage legal if a marriage certificate is not issued?

That would depend upon the laws of the state in which the union occurred. However, state laws require that the person who can perform legal marriages must issue a certificate of marriage to the couple after the ceremony has been performed. A copy of the certificate is then made a part of public record. Certain government agencies such as the Social Security Administration require a certificate of marriage before they will change the woman's name on SS records (assuming she wants to take her husband's surname). A marriage license is not acceptable proof that the marriage has taken place.

Is it wrong to marry in secret in the Bible?

A couple do not have to publicize their intention to marry, only to those who require such information so that it can be recorded, and performed by one who is a recognized celebrant by law. Some require that Banns are published before a marriage is performed.