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Q: Do any the Arctic Ocean animals compete?
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Related questions

Are there any endangered animals in th the Arctic Ocean?

Yes, polar bears are one of the endangered animals in the Arctic ocean. Others I am not sure of.

What is around the Arctic?

any arctic animals

Is the Arctic Ocean a habitat?

Yes any ocean is a habitat!

Is there any life in the Arctic Ocean?


Are there any sharks in the Arctic Ocean?


Which state is the Arctic Ocean in?

The Arctic ocean is not in any particular state, though the only state in the U.S. that it borders would be Alaska.

What birds eat animals in the arctic tundra?

there arent any birds in the arctic tundra.

Is Iceland near any oceans?

Yes it is near the Arctic ocean and the Atlantic ocean.

Which 3 seas border Canada?

The coastlines are the longest of any country in the world. Canada has coastlines on three oceans: Atlantic, Pacific and Arctic.


Yes, on the ocean floor.

Are there any other oceans smaller then the arctic ocean?

No there are no oceans smaller than the Artic ocean .

What contry do narwhals live in?

Narwhals do not live in ANY country. They are ocean animals and are migratory. They are often seen in the north Atlantic and Arctic Oceans from Greenland to eastern Russia.