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Q: Do anybody know the movie about an airplane who travels to another reality or something but there were no people just some black ball like monsters who were eating the world?
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Who sponsors Moshi Monsters?

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yes a member called DALCAR add me on moshi monsters my name is DALCAR so i have completed the ponies collection!

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It means that just talking about something isn't as good as actually doing something because anybody can talk about something. Another saying to this effect is "actions speak louder than words."

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Does anybody ever answer these questions?

Yes Yup. Sure do. You have to just get lucky and hope that some-one who knows something about your question finds it. Got another question?

Are there any valid reasons for one person to hit another person?

It depends on the situation. Personally, I don't hit or smack anybody. But if they do something that makes you angry and you feel violent don't do something that you are going to regret later.

How do you say anybody in Japanese?

誰でも "Daredemo", which translates as "Anyone", another way of saying "anybody"