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Yes, aphids "eat" other plants, or rather, they drink the sap of plants.

Pretty much everything on aphids is available online.

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Q: Do rose aphids eat rose bushes?
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Do ladybugs only eat insects?

They eat aphids. Aphids are the tiny white bugs on rose bushes.

How do you find ladybug food?

Look on a rose bush. They eat aphids.

Where do you find ladybugs besides rose bushes?

Ladybugs eat aphids so any plant that has aphids could eventually see ladybugs.

Where are lady bugs found?

On rose bushes or where aphids live

What does a ladiebug eat?

Ladybugs eat soft leaves and the nectar from flowers. ---- ladybirds eat aphids; tiny green insects that are found in large numbers on rose bushes.

Do birds eat aphids?

Chickadees, Hummingbirds, and Titmice are birds that will eat rose aphids. Another bird that eats rose aphids is the Warbler.

What do rose bushes eat?

they eat pollen

What bird eats roses?

Chickadees, Hummingbirds, and Titmice are birds that will eat rose aphids. Another bird that eats rose aphids is the Warbler.

Do ladybugs eat meat?

Answer:Ladybugs (Coccinellids) are predators feeding aphids and scale insects - so meat, not salad is what they want. A few of the related families are herbivores, and can be very destructive agricultural pests (e.g., the Mexican bean beetle).

Where do you get the food for a ladybug?

Look on a rose bush. They eat aphids.

What is the food of the ladybug?

Look on a rose bush. They eat aphids.

Can a greenfly eat rose?

Yes green fly know as Aphids frequently attack the rose plant